Bernie Sanders Arrest Photo Proves He Walks the Walk

[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”Bernie Sanders Arrest Photo Proves He Walks the Walkby Daryl Parsons (Feb. 19, 2016 22:00) Some people may think having a photograph of you being arrested may lead to undesirable publicity, shame, and ridicule. However, in the case where the photograph shows Bernie Sanders getting arrested for demonstrating during the civil rights movement, well, that is another story.″ type=”image” alt=”20160219_1924 Arrest photo of young activist Bernie Sanders (ChicagoTribune).jpg” ] Bernie Sanders Arrest Photo Proves He Walks the Walk
by Daryl Parsons

(Feb. 19, 2016 22:00) Some people may think having a photograph of you being arrested may lead to undesirable publicity, shame, and ridicule. However, in the case where the photograph shows Bernie Sanders getting arrested for demonstrating during the civil rights movement, well, that is another story.

“The black-and-white photo shows a 21-year-old Sanders, then a University of Chicago student, being taken by Chicago police toward a police wagon. An acetate negative of the photo was found in the Tribune’s archives, said Marianne Mather, a Chicago Tribune photo editor.”

Talking about having a proven record.

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