[pe2-image src=”https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-feK6Axs0W8Q/VvCkZG9xPAI/AAAAAAAAA1s/uErapJPU-JsJ9QhLa8gclO0tjMT-V_m6QCHM/s144-c-o/20160321_1630%2BBernie%2BSanders%2BTo%2BHold%2BRally%2BIn%2BSan%2BDiego%2B%2528kpbs.org%2529.jpg” href=”https://picasaweb.google.com/102930737536139888016/Campaign2016V3#6264687832945736706″ caption=”Bernie Sanders To Hold Rally In San Diego by By Kristina Bravo, Steve Walsh (Mar. 21, 2016 16:30) — Ahead of California’s primary on June 7, Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders will hold a rally at the San Diego Convention Center on Tuesday.Doors will open at 5 p.m., with the program scheduled to start at 8 p.m.The campaign encourages those who want to attend to RSVP to the free public event. But as of Monday morning, the campaign's website says the rally has reached capacity. https://publicskeleton.com/media/?p=732″ type=”image” alt=”20160321_1630 Bernie Sanders To Hold Rally In San Diego (kpbs.org).jpg” ] Bernie Sanders To Hold Rally In San Diego
by By Kristina Bravo, Steve Walsh
(Mar. 21, 2016 16:30) — Ahead of California’s primary on June 7, Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders will hold a rally at the San Diego Convention Center on Tuesday.
Doors will open at 5 p.m., with the program scheduled to start at 8 p.m.
The campaign encourages those who want to attend to RSVP to the free public event. But as of Monday morning, the campaign’s website says the rally has reached capacity.