Elizabeth Warren: ‘Time To Fight Back’ Against Donald Trump

[pe2-image src=”https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-O_wsPV6twMI/VvfVIld2_ZI/AAAAAAAAA6A/Ysa9WzdaOg4gAaRqsRkSNkE6dlvTyvJAACHM/s144-c-o/20160324_1200%2BElizabeth%2BWarren%2BTime%2BTo%2BFight%2BBack%2BAgainst%2BDonald%2BTrump%2B%2528Time%2529.jpg” href=”https://picasaweb.google.com/102930737536139888016/Campaign2016V3#6266711749982354834″ caption=”Elizabeth Warren: ‘Time To Fight Back’ Against Donald Trump By Katie Reilly, Time(Mar. 24, 2016) — She questioned his business career and criticized him for "hate-filled attacks"Sen. Elizabeth Warren fired back at Donald Trump on Thursday, doubling down on criticism she leveled at the Republican front runner on Monday in a series of tweets in which she called Trump a “loser” and asked voters to “count all his failed businesses.”The Massachusetts Senator called Trump “a real threat to this country” on Thursday and said, “it’s time to fight back against that threat.” https://publicskeleton.com/media/?p=815″ type=”image” alt=”20160324_1200 Elizabeth Warren Time To Fight Back Against Donald Trump (Time).jpg” ] Elizabeth Warren: ‘Time To Fight Back’ Against Donald Trump
By Katie Reilly, Time

(Mar. 24, 2016) — She questioned his business career and criticized him for “hate-filled attacks”

Sen. Elizabeth Warren fired back at Donald Trump on Thursday, doubling down on criticism she leveled at the Republican front runner on Monday in a series of tweets in which she called Trump a “loser” and asked voters to “count all his failed businesses.”

The Massachusetts Senator called Trump “a real threat to this country” on Thursday and said, “it’s time to fight back against that threat.”

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Election in Arizona Was a Mess

[pe2-image src=”https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-Q11kjHMu2Ec/VvQCIOb4uXI/AAAAAAAAA3c/M6mR-H_EKIMwh8ueMjRqn5anl9pQJsyUQCHM/s144-c-o/20160324_0600%2BElection%2Bin%2BArizona%2BWas%2Ba%2BMess%2B%2528MotherJones%2529.jpg” href=”https://picasaweb.google.com/102930737536139888016/Campaign2016V3#6265635321916471666″ caption=”Election in Arizona Was a Mess By AJ Vicens, MotherJonesVoters Waited for Hours. Here's Why.(Thu Mar. 24, 2016 6:00 AM EDT) — Faith Decker, a 19-year-old sophomore at Arizona State University, got off work a little early Tuesday night so she could vote in her first-ever primary. She arrived at a church in southeast Phoenix just before 7 p.m. to find "the line wrapped completely around the corner, 300 to 400 people." After waiting in that line for more than three hours, she finally reached the check-in desk. She was told that she couldn't vote—not because the polls had closed three hours before, but because she was registered in a different county.” type=”image” alt=”20160324_0600 Election in Arizona Was a Mess (MotherJones).jpg” ] Election in Arizona Was a Mess
By AJ Vicens, MotherJones

Voters Waited for Hours. Here’s Why.

(Thu Mar. 24, 2016 6:00 AM EDT) — Faith Decker, a 19-year-old sophomore at Arizona State University, got off work a little early Tuesday night so she could vote in her first-ever primary. She arrived at a church in southeast Phoenix just before 7 p.m. to find “the line wrapped completely around the corner, 300 to 400 people.” After waiting in that line for more than three hours, she finally reached the check-in desk. She was told that she couldn’t vote—not because the polls had closed three hours before, but because she was registered in a different county.

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Brussels Terrorist Attacks Media Coverage Looks Like Naomi Klien’s “Shock Doctrine” in Effect as Corrupt Election Practices Take Place in Arizona

[pe2-image src=”https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-gFDUXxIK4H8/VvN5crUhCLI/AAAAAAAAA3M/OilPRJBIKzk7JXsQ9ILyqFBtnP8mofVQgCHM/s144-c-o/Naomi%2BKlein%2B-%2BThe%2BShock%2BDoctrine%2B%2BThe%2BRise%2Bof%2BDisaster%2BCapitalism%2BCover.jpg” href=”https://picasaweb.google.com/102930737536139888016/Campaign2016V3#6265485040174565554″ caption=”Presidential race 2016 Contenders Bernie Sanders & Hillary Clinton related stories. Naomi Klein – The Shock Doctrine The Rise of Disaster Capitalism Cover” type=”image” alt=”Naomi Klein – The Shock Doctrine The Rise of Disaster Capitalism Cover.jpg” ] Does anybody notice how the recent terrorists attack in Brussels have stolen all the headlines at the same time the corrupt Arizona primary election scandals took place Tuesday?

Is this mere coincidence or an opportunity by mainstream media to have an excuse not to cover a crucial story about election rigging in Arizona?

This appears to resemble the characteristics describe in Naomi Klein’s “The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism.”

(See: http://www.naomiklein.org/shock-doctrine)

How The Young Turks got Bernie Sanders on its live YouTube show

[pe2-image src=”https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-eI10SzV6TiA/VvN18DJuf0I/AAAAAAAAA28/gfgOhUuwAmQTRiKtdO8vzo1tSxI766DFwCHM/s144-c-o/20160323_2100%2BHow%2BThe%2BYoung%2BTurks%2Bgot%2BBernie%2BSanders%2Bon%2Bits%2Blive%2BYouTube%2Bshow%2B%2528Mashable%2529.jpg” href=”https://picasaweb.google.com/102930737536139888016/Campaign2016V3#6265481181101195074″ caption=”How The Young Turks got Bernie Sanders on its live YouTube show by Sade Hamedy, Mashable(Mar. 23, 2016 21:00 EST) — CULVER CITY, Calif. — The Young Turks feel the Bern.For months, the progressive online news program, which has amassed 2.4 million subscribers since it started live streaming on YouTube in 2005, has been trying to get the Democratic presidential candidate to appear on their show.But it wasn't until late Tuesday night that the Young Turks found out it was actually happening — thanks to help from a fan petition and a lucky opening in Sanders' schedule during his Los Angeles visit. https://publicskeleton.com/media/?p=757″ type=”image” alt=”20160323_2100 How The Young Turks got Bernie Sanders on its live YouTube show (Mashable).jpg” ] How The Young Turks got Bernie Sanders on its live YouTube show
by Sade Hamedy, Mashable

(Mar. 23, 2016 21:00 EST) — CULVER CITY, Calif. — The Young Turks feel the Bern.

For months, the progressive online news program, which has amassed 2.4 million subscribers since it started live streaming on YouTube in 2005, has been trying to get the Democratic presidential candidate to appear on their show.

But it wasn’t until late Tuesday night that the Young Turks found out it was actually happening — thanks to help from a fan petition and a lucky opening in Sanders’ schedule during his Los Angeles visit.

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Bernie Sanders slams Arizona primary “disgrace”

[pe2-image src=”https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-sycge-ZPzdU/VvQCG6vz2LI/AAAAAAAAA3Y/uRM20s2FPx4S7FI_RSdV_j–MI2GPjFiQCHM/s144-c-o/20160323_1736%2BBernie%2BSanders%2Bslams%2BArizona%2Bprimary%2B%2528CBS%2529.jpg” href=”https://picasaweb.google.com/102930737536139888016/Campaign2016V3#6265635299451459762″ caption=”Bernie Sanders slams Arizona primary "disgrace" By Kylie Atwood, CBS NEWSSAN DIEGO (Mar. 23, 2016, 17:36 PM) — Bernie Sanders called it a "disgrace" that some voters had to wait in line for hours to vote in Tuesday's Arizona primary."In the United States of America, democracy is the foundation of our way of people," Sanders said at a press conference here Wednesday. "People should not have to wait five hours to vote. And what happened yesterday in Arizona is a disgrace. I hope that every state in this country learns from that and learns how to put together a proper election where people can vote in a timely manner and then go back to work." https://publicskeleton.com/media/?p=768″ type=”image” alt=”20160323_1736 Bernie Sanders slams Arizona primary (CBS).jpg” ] Bernie Sanders slams Arizona primary “disgrace”
By Kylie Atwood, CBS NEWS

SAN DIEGO (Mar. 23, 2016, 17:36 PM) — Bernie Sanders called it a “disgrace” that some voters had to wait in line for hours to vote in Tuesday’s Arizona primary.

“In the United States of America, democracy is the foundation of our way of people,” Sanders said at a press conference here Wednesday. “People should not have to wait five hours to vote. And what happened yesterday in Arizona is a disgrace. I hope that every state in this country learns from that and learns how to put together a proper election where people can vote in a timely manner and then go back to work.”

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Arizona is the home of the controversial Maricopa County Sheriff, and Donald Trump supporter, Joe Arpaio.

Tic Tock: It’s time for Elizabeth Warren to take a stand

[pe2-image src=”https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-rw6Gbjl-uD0/VvQmzzoLzKI/AAAAAAAAA30/IWquG2L0eyAb6lvV_-Iy-40wZrZQS9s5ACHM/s144-c-o/20160323_1200%2BIt%25E2%2580%2599s%2Btime%2Bfor%2BElizabeth%2BWarren%2Bto%2Btake%2Ba%2Bstand%2B%2528Globe%2529.jpg” href=”https://picasaweb.google.com/102930737536139888016/Campaign2016V3#6265675653053140130″ caption=”It’s time for Elizabeth Warren to take a stand by Yvonne Abraham, Globe (Mar. 23, 2016) — What Arthur Balfour once said of a young Winston Churchill is also true of Senator Elizabeth Warren.“The right honorable gentleman’s artillery is very powerful but not very mobile,” Balfour said, taunting the eloquent speechifier about his inability to think on his feet.We’ve seen the same from Warren recently. First, the power: Our senior senator delivered a blistering takedown of GOP front-runner Donald Trump earlier this week, blowing holes in his supposed business acumen, calling him out for his “petty bullying, attacks on women, cheap racism, and flagrant narcissism,” and his “embarrassing insecurities.” https://publicskeleton.com/media/?p=776″ type=”image” alt=”20160323_1200 It’s time for Elizabeth Warren to take a stand (Globe).jpg” ] It’s time for Elizabeth Warren to take a stand
by Yvonne Abraham, Globe

(Mar. 23, 2016) — What Arthur Balfour once said of a young Winston Churchill is also true of Senator Elizabeth Warren.

“The right honorable gentleman’s artillery is very powerful but not very mobile,” Balfour said, taunting the eloquent speechifier about his inability to think on his feet.

We’ve seen the same from Warren recently. First, the power: Our senior senator delivered a blistering takedown of GOP front-runner Donald Trump earlier this week, blowing holes in his supposed business acumen, calling him out for his “petty bullying, attacks on women, cheap racism, and flagrant narcissism,” and his “embarrassing insecurities.”

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Bernie Sanders Spoke Up for Suffering Palestinians, but Few in Broadcast Media Covered It

Bernie Sanders Spoke Up for Suffering Palestinians, but Few in Broadcast Media Covered It
by Zaid Jilani, Intercept

(Mar. 22, 2016 13:56) — As leading presidential candidates spoke at the Washington gathering of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), promising support and a crackdown on boycotts of Israel, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders made a dissenting speech in Salt Lake City, where he spoke up for suffering Palestinians. It received little broadcast media attention.

As Sanders trails Clinton in delegate count, his campaign has effectively been discounted by major media.

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Rep. Tulsi Gabbard: Bernie Sanders Is the Commander in Chief We Need

[pe2-image src=”https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-f5FiEgMrXl0/VvH6yUaQwUI/AAAAAAAAA18/s41Vek27yeMhlwi02yhwg91FF2TzAdMRgCHM/s144-c-o/20160322_0939%2BRep.%2BTulsi%2BGabbard%2BBernie%2BSanders%2BIs%2Bthe%2BCommander%2Bin%2BChief%2BWe%2BNeed%2B%2528Time%2529.jpg” href=”https://picasaweb.google.com/102930737536139888016/Campaign2016V3#6265064299028332866″ caption=”Rep. Tulsi Gabbard: Bernie Sanders Is the Commander in Chief We Need by Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, Time(Mar. 22, 2016 09:39 EST) — The commander in chief of the world’s most powerful military must have the sound judgment to know when to use America’s military power and, just as important, when not to use that power. https://publicskeleton.com/media/?p=738″ type=”image” alt=”20160322_0939 Rep. Tulsi Gabbard Bernie Sanders Is the Commander in Chief We Need (Time).jpg” ] Rep. Tulsi Gabbard: Bernie Sanders Is the Commander in Chief We Need
by Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, Time

(Mar. 22, 2016 09:39 EST) — The commander in chief of the world’s most powerful military must have the sound judgment to know when to use America’s military power and, just as important, when not to use that power.

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Bernie Sanders Won Democrats Abroad . . .

[pe2-image src=”https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-AyPxsH43c2I/VvCXtiGAraI/AAAAAAAAA1M/qP9KqjlQ-7I2Im-F8avwJWCySeSksJIkQCHM/s144-c-o/20160321_1834%2BBernie%2BSanders%2BWon%2BDemocrats%2BAbroad%2B%2528MotherJones%2529.jpg” href=”https://picasaweb.google.com/102930737536139888016/Campaign2016V3#6264673890174283170″ caption=”Bernie Sanders Won Democrats Abroad. . . By Barbara Sprunt, NPR (Mar. 21, 2016 18:34) — The next big day in the presidential nominating contest is Tuesday when voters in Arizona, Utah and Idaho head to the polls.But the votes are already in for another overlooked primary — Democrats Abroad. Between March 1 and March 8, Democrats living across the globe cast their votes for who they want to see as their party's nominee. The votes have now been tallied, and Bernie Sanders won by a wide margin, according to results released Monday. https://publicskeleton.com/media/?p=725″ type=”image” alt=”20160321_1834 Bernie Sanders Won Democrats Abroad (MotherJones).jpg” ] Bernie Sanders Won Democrats Abroad. . .
By Barbara Sprunt, NPR

(Mar. 21, 2016 18:34) — The next big day in the presidential nominating contest is Tuesday when voters in Arizona, Utah and Idaho head to the polls.

But the votes are already in for another overlooked primary — Democrats Abroad. Between March 1 and March 8, Democrats living across the globe cast their votes for who they want to see as their party’s nominee. The votes have now been tallied, and Bernie Sanders won by a wide margin, according to results released Monday.

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Thousands Flock to Boise State to See Presidential Hopeful Bernie Sanders

[pe2-image src=”https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-kkfo5oV4eEA/VvCcNAjXCuI/AAAAAAAAA1c/qWQjwEaDLa0zDZ5KIcWnH3XVq1NAGnlBQCHM/s144-c-o/20160321_1700%2BThousands%2BFlock%2Bto%2BBoise%2BState%2Bto%2BSee%2BPresidential%2BHopeful%2BBernie%2BSanders%2B%2528boiseweekly%2529.jpg” href=”https://picasaweb.google.com/102930737536139888016/Campaign2016V3#6264678828972903138″ caption=”Thousands Flock to Boise State to See Presidential Hopeful Bernie Sanders By Harrison Berry, (Mar. 21, 2016) — Attracted by his criticism of establishment politics, thousands of Idahoans braved long lines March 21 to hear presidential hopeful Sen. Bernie Sanders (D-Vermont) speak at Boise State University's Taco Bell Arena. https://publicskeleton.com/media/?p=729″ type=”image” alt=”20160321_1700 Thousands Flock to Boise State to See Presidential Hopeful Bernie Sanders (boiseweekly).jpg” ] Thousands Flock to Boise State to See Presidential Hopeful Bernie Sanders
By Harrison Berry,
(Mar. 21, 2016) — Attracted by his criticism of establishment politics, thousands of Idahoans braved long lines March 21 to hear presidential hopeful Sen. Bernie Sanders (D-Vermont) speak at Boise State University’s Taco Bell Arena.

“I really believe in his liberal spirit,” said Boise High School student Alexis Bigby, who added she’s beginning to think about where she’d like to attend college. She was particularly attracted to Sanders’ campaign promise of providing free public college and university education to United States citizens.

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