Fundraising site struggles after Bernie Sanders’ New Hampshire win

[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”Fundraising site struggles after Bernie Sanders' New Hampshire win By Tom LoBianco, CNN (Feb. 10, 2016 12:53 AM ET) — Washington (CNN)In the midst of his New Hampshire victory speech, Bernie Sanders held an impromptu, one-minute fundraiser and apparently jammed up one of the pillars of Democratic online fundraising, ActBlue.″ type=”image” alt=”20160209_0053 Fundraising site struggles after Bernie win.jpg” ]Fundraising site struggles after Bernie Sanders’ New Hampshire win By Tom LoBianco, CNN
(Feb. 10, 2016 12:53 AM ET) — Washington (CNN)In the midst of his New Hampshire victory speech, Bernie Sanders held an impromptu, one-minute fundraiser and apparently jammed up one of the pillars of Democratic online fundraising, ActBlue.

“I’m not going to New York City to host a fundraiser on Wall Street. Instead I’m going to hold a fundraiser right here, right now, across America. My request is please go to and contribute,” Sanders said Tuesday night, as his speech was carried live.

Full story.

Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders Win the New Hampshire Primaries (NYT)

[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”20160209_2100 Trump and Sanders Win New Hampshire in Routs (NYT).jpg” type=”image” alt=”20160209_2100 Trump and Sanders Win New Hampshire in Routs (NYT).jpg” ] Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders Win the New Hampshire Primaries By PATRICK HEALY and JONATHAN MARTINT of the New York times

MANCHESTER, N.H. (Feb. 9, 2016) — Donald J. Trump and Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont harnessed working-class fury on Tuesday to surge to commanding victories in a New Hampshire primary that drew a huge turnout across the state.

The success by two outsider candidates dealt a remarkable rebuke to the political establishment, and all but guaranteed protracted, bruising races for each party’s presidential nomination.

Highlights of this article:

“Together we have sent a message that will echo from Wall Street to Washington, from Maine to California,” Mr. Sanders said. “And that is that the government of our great country belongs to all of the people, and not just a handful of wealthy campaign contributors and their ‘super PACs.’ ”

“While Mr. Sanders led New Hampshire polls for the last month, and Mr. Trump was ahead here since July, the wave of support for both men was nonetheless stunning to leaders of both parties who believed that in the end, voters would embrace more experienced candidates like Mrs. Clinton or one of the Republican governors in the race. Yet the two men won significant support from voters who felt betrayed by their parties and were dissatisfied or angry with the federal government.”

“Clinton advisers gritted their teeth Tuesday night as they dissected exit polls and other data to try to fathom the depth of Mrs. Clinton’s political vulnerabilities. One troubling sign: Mr. Sanders was the choice, nearly unanimously, among voters who said it was most important to have a candidate who is “honest and trustworthy.”Several advisers to Mrs. Clinton said they were especially concerned about her shakier-than-expected support among women — the group that provided her margin for victory in the 2008 New Hampshire primary. The Clinton strategy depends on her beating Mr. Sanders among women and attracting large numbers of minority voters, like Hispanics in Nevada and African-Americans in South Carolina. Those states hold the next Democratic contests, later this month.”

Full Article.

Bill Clinton Accuser Kathleen Willey to Campaign Against Hillary

[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”Bill Clinton Accuser Kathleen Willey to Campaign Against Hillary By Bob Unruh, Front Page,Politics,U.S.(Feb. 8, 2016 11:30) — Just days after former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright bizarrely threatened women who won’t help Hillary Clinton with “hell,” a woman who has accused Bill Clinton of sexual assault revealed she’s formally linking arms with an anti-Hillary effort.” type=”image” alt=”20160208_1130 Bill Clinton Accuser Kathleen Willey to Campaign etc.jpg” ]Bill Clinton Accuser Kathleen Willey to Campaign Against Hillary By Bob Unruh, Front Page,Politics,U.S.
(Feb. 8, 2016 11:30) — Just days after former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright bizarrely threatened women who won’t help Hillary Clinton with “hell,” a woman who has accused Bill Clinton of sexual assault revealed she’s formally linking arms with an anti-Hillary effort.

Former Clinton volunteer Kathleen Willey, whose book “Target: Caught in the Crosshairs of Bill and Hillary Clinton” describes the mob-style threats she suffered at the hands of the Clintons, is joining up with Republican strategist Roger Stone, Reuters reported.

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Hillary Clinton’s $675,000 Goldman Sachs Paid Speech Transcripts Requests Evidence Lack of Credibility

[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”Hillary Clinton’s $675,000 Goldman Sachs Paid Speech Transcripts Requests Evidence Lack of Credibility by (Feb. 7, 2016) — Hillary Clinton’s tendency to omit and obfuscate historical information has been an ongoing problem for her even more so now as the presumptive 2016 democratic nominee for president. In light of the latest debacle, the requests for the transcripts of her paid speeches with Goldman Sachs where she was paid $675,000 are not appearing to go away.” type=”image” alt=”20160204 Chuck Todd Asks Clinton During Debate to Release Transcripts.jpg” ] Hillary Clinton’s $675,000 Goldman Sachs Paid Speech Transcripts Requests Evidence Lack of Credibility

(Feb. 7, 2016) — Hillary Clinton’s tendency to omit and obfuscate historical information has been an ongoing problem for her even more so now as the presumptive 2016 democratic nominee for president.  In light of the latest debacle, the requests for the transcripts of her paid speeches with Goldman Sachs where she was paid $675,000 are not appearing to go away.

The speeches Clinton gave to Goldman Sachs, and in light of the amount of fees she was paid, have spawned questions about her ability to not beholden to Wall Street if she were to be elected president and in light of the heated debate over campaign finance reform.

The request for actual transcripts of what Clinton said during those talks at Goldman Sachs is indicative of the lack of credibility she has to be able to be taken at her word.

Creating personalized historical time-lines appear to be a tendency of Clinton’s as noted by Carl Bernstein, known for his investigative Watergate reporting leading to the downfall of former president Richard Nixon.

Bernstein’s investigative reporting of Nixon also involved the acquisition of transcripts of audio recordings made of Nixon’s conversations inside the White House.

“Hillary has never wanted anyone else to tell her story except herself,” Bernstein said in a 2007 interview with CNN when discussing his book on the former first lady “A Woman in Charge,” released that same year.

“The former first lady’s 2003 autobiography ‘Living History’ was full of ‘omissions (and) obfuscation,'” Bernstein told CNN.

During Thursday night’s New Hampshire one-on-one debate with her 2016 presidential bid opponent, Sen. Bernie Sanders, Clinton was asked by MSNBC moderator Chuck Todd if she would release the transcripts of her paid speeches.

“I will look into it,” Clinton said. “I don’t know the status, but I would surely look into it.”

Clinton has already begun digging a hole around herself related to the speeches by characterizing the talks as being little more than a discussion of “issues that had to do with world affairs.”

Meanwhile, the matter has not gone away.

Powerhouse investigative journalists have already committed to uncovering the truth behind Clinton’s Goldman Sachs paid speeches.

Lee Fang, a reporter for the “The Intercept” has previously written about the transcripts in his article released Thursday, “Hillary Clinton Won’t Say if She’ll Release Transcripts of Goldman Sachs Speeches.”

Fang said when he asked Clinton about the transcripts two weeks before Thursday’s debate she, “Simply laughed and turned away.”

It appears the issues is not going away for the former first lady where leading investigative journalists are right on her heals.

Given Clinton’s ongoing lack of credibility to be taken at her own word, it appears the only way this matter can be resolved is if she releases the transcripts.

All 435 seats up for election come November (MyCityConnected)

[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”All 435 seats up for election come November (Feb. 7, 2016) — According to the political information website all, "435 seats will be up for election this November." Read more.” type=”image” alt=”20160207_1900 MyCityconnected Election Information Website Advisory.jpg” ] All 435 seats up for election come November

(Feb. 7, 2016) — According to the political information website all, “435 seats will be up for election this November.”

MyCityConnected provides the website visitor a number of useful tools to include blogs, events, forums, groups, polls, and albums. The website also has a useful search feature to find out more information about elected representatives.

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Bernie Sanders to Appear on ‘Saturday Night Live’ Opposite Doppelgänger Larry David (US Weekly)

[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”Bernie Sanders to Appear on ‘Saturday Night Live’ Opposite Doppelgänger Larry David By Us Weekly February 6, 2016 According to a senior campaign official, Sanders, 74, will be making the detour to New York during his campaign trip to New Hampshire. The New York Times reports that David, 68, will interview Sanders at one point in the evening.″ type=”image” alt=”20160206_0255 Bernie Sanders to Appear on ‘Saturday Night Live’ Opposite Doppelgänger Larry David (Yahoo).jpg” pe2_single_image_size=”w250″ pe2_img_align=”right” ]Bernie Sanders to Appear on ‘Saturday Night Live’ Opposite Doppelgänger Larry David
By Us Weekly February 6, 2016

According to a senior campaign official, Sanders, 74, will be making the detour to New York during his campaign trip to New Hampshire. The New York Times reports that David, 68, will interview Sanders at one point in the evening.

Read Full Article.

UBS Deal Shows Clinton’s Complicated Ties

[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”20150730_0827 UBS Deal Shows Clinton’s Complicated Ties (wsj).jpg” type=”image” alt=”20150730_0827 UBS Deal Shows Clinton’s Complicated Ties (wsj).jpg” pe2_single_image_size=”w250″ pe2_img_align=”right” ] UBS Deal Shows Clinton’s Complicated Ties

Donations to family foundation increased after secretary of state’s involvement in tax case

Updated July 30, 2015 8:27 a.m. ET
A few weeks after Hillary Clinton was sworn in as secretary of state in early 2009, she was summoned to Geneva by her Swiss counterpart to discuss an urgent matter. The Internal Revenue Service was suing UBS AG to get the identities of Americans with secret accounts.

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Clinton’s New Hampshire challenge: Winning trust (Washington Post)

[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”Clinton’s New Hampshire challenge: Winning trust By Catherine Lucey | AP February 6 at 11:37 AM PORTSMOUTH, N.H. — The private email server. The Wall Street ties. The evolving policy positions. The speaking fees. The concerns vary, but Hillary Clinton seems to be having trouble earning the public’s trust. Ahead of Tuesday’s New Hampshire primary, the Democratic presidential candidate is trying to convince voters that she is authentic. Rival Bernie Sanders is stepping up criticism of her financial industry connections and questioning whether she is a true liberal.″ type=”image” alt=”20160206_1137 Clinton’s New Hampshire challenge Winning trust (wp).jpg” pe2_single_video_size=”w250″ pe2_single_image_size=”w250″ pe2_img_align=”right” ]Clinton’s New Hampshire challenge: Winning trust
by By Catherine Lucey | AP February 6 at 11:37 AM

PORTSMOUTH, N.H. — The private email server. The Wall Street ties. The evolving policy positions. The speaking fees.

The concerns vary, but Hillary Clinton seems to be having trouble earning the public’s trust.

Ahead of Tuesday’s New Hampshire primary, the Democratic presidential candidate is trying to convince voters that she is authentic. Rival Bernie Sanders is stepping up criticism of her financial industry connections and questioning whether she is a true liberal.

Original article.

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders Brawl Over His “Insinuation” That She’s Corrupt By Dan Froomkin (TheIntercept)

[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders Brawl Over His “Insinuation” That She’s Corrupt By Dan Froomkin at (Feb. 5 2016, 12:21 a.m) — Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton had a series of momentous exchanges Thursday night over what Clinton called Sanders’ “artful smear” — the suggestion that taking massive amounts of money from corporate special interests had corrupted her.″ type=”image” alt=”20160205_0021 Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders Brawl (TheIntercept).jpg” pe2_single_image_size=”w250″ pe2_img_align=”right” ]Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders Brawl Over His “Insinuation” That She’s Corrupt By Dan Froomkin at

Feb. 5 2016, 12:21 a.m.

Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton had a series of momentous exchanges Thursday night over what Clinton called Sanders’ “artful smear” — the suggestion that taking massive amounts of money from corporate special interests had corrupted her.

Full story.

Hillary Clinton Won’t Say if She’ll Release Transcripts of Goldman Sachs Speeches (TheIntercept)

[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”Hillary Clinton Won’t Say if She’ll Release Transcripts of Goldman Sachs Speeches by Lee Fang (Feb. 4, 2016) — During the Democratic presidential debate Thursday evening, MSNBC moderator Chuck Todd picked a question offered by a viewer and pointedly asked Hillary Clinton if she would release the transcripts of her paid speeches to giant investment bank Goldman Sachs. Todd then broadened the question, asking: “Are you willing to release the transcripts of all your paid speeches?”″ type=”image” alt=”20160204_2334 Hillary Clinton Won’t Say if She’ll Release Transcripts (TheIntercept).jpg” ]Hillary Clinton Won’t Say if She’ll Release Transcripts of Goldman Sachs Speeches
by Lee Fang (Feb. 4, 2016) — During the Democratic presidential debate Thursday evening, MSNBC moderator Chuck Todd picked a question offered by a viewer and pointedly asked Hillary Clinton if she would release the transcripts of her paid speeches to giant investment bank Goldman Sachs. Todd then broadened the question, asking: “Are you willing to release the transcripts of all your paid speeches?”

Full Story.

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