Read Bernie Sanders’ Speech Vowing to Continue His Nomination Fight

[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”Read Bernie Sanders’ Speech Vowing to Continue His Nomination Fight By Katie Reilly, Time (June 8, 2016 10:10 a.m. ET) –Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders spoke to a crowd of supporters at a rally in California on Tuesday night, vowing to continue to “fight for every vote and every delegate,” shortly after Hillary Clinton declared victory in the Democratic primary during a speech in New York.“We are going to fight hard to win the primary in Washington, D.C.,” Sanders said. “I am pretty good at arithmetic, and I know that the fight in front of us is a very, very steep fight. But we will continue to fight for every vote and every delegate we can get.”″ type=”image” alt=”20160608_1010 Read Bernie Sanders’ Speech Vowing to Continue His Nomination Fight.jpjg.jpg” ] Read Bernie Sanders’ Speech Vowing to Continue His Nomination Fight
By Katie Reilly, Time

(June 8, 2016 10:10 a.m. ET) –Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders spoke to a crowd of supporters at a rally in California on Tuesday night, vowing to continue to “fight for every vote and every delegate,” shortly after Hillary Clinton declared victory in the Democratic primary during a speech in New York.

“We are going to fight hard to win the primary in Washington, D.C.,” Sanders said. “I am pretty good at arithmetic, and I know that the fight in front of us is a very, very steep fight. But we will continue to fight for every vote and every delegate we can get.”

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Bernie Sanders Team Claims ‘It Ain’t Over’ After Hillary Clinton Clinches

[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”Bernie Sanders Team Claims ‘It Ain’t Over’ After Hillary Clinton Clinches By Daily Beast (June 8, 2016 03:36 a.m.) — After decisive wins in New Jersey and California, Hillary Clinton takes a victory lap. But Bernie vows to fight on, and on, and on.The Democratic primary contest that no one saw coming between the woman who would be president and a gnarly socialist senator from Vermont is finally, finally—but, ahem, not entirely—over.Even before Tuesday’s primaries, the Associated Press had counted enough solid delegates, committed and “super,” to declare Hillary Clinton the putative nominee. And after her more-than-convincing primary victories in New Jersey and California last night (63 percent and 56 percent), she decided it was time for a victory lap. From above the old glass ceiling, she reached down to Bernie Sanders, congratulating him on his campaign and, looking back at her own emotions in 2008, saying she knew well how hard it is to concede.″ type=”image” alt=”20160608_0336 Bernie Sanders Team Claims ‘It Ain’t Over’ After Hillary Clinton Clinches.jpg” ] Bernie Sanders Team Claims ‘It Ain’t Over’ After Hillary Clinton Clinches
By Daily Beast

(June 8, 2016 03:36 a.m.) — After decisive wins in New Jersey and California, Hillary Clinton takes a victory lap. But Bernie vows to fight on, and on, and on.

The Democratic primary contest that no one saw coming between the woman who would be president and a gnarly socialist senator from Vermont is finally, finally—but, ahem, not entirely—over.

Even before Tuesday’s primaries, the Associated Press had counted enough solid delegates, committed and “super,” to declare Hillary Clinton the putative nominee. And after her more-than-convincing primary victories in New Jersey and California last night (63 percent and 56 percent), she decided it was time for a victory lap. From above the old glass ceiling, she reached down to Bernie Sanders, congratulating him on his campaign and, looking back at her own emotions in 2008, saying she knew well how hard it is to concede.

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