[pe2-image src=”https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-cRzjZplB1dk/VuN6MktyQII/AAAAAAAAAx8/4TPQtjtbHU8dkJ6n_smoyCP-UL-vu7ftA/s144-c-o/20160311_2000%2BBernie%2BSanders%2BSees%2BMichigan%2BWin%2Bas%2Ba%2BSpringboard%2Bto%2Bthe%2BNomination%2B%2528NYT%2529.jpg” href=”https://picasaweb.google.com/102930737536139888016/Campaign2016V2#6260982263407853698″ caption=”Bernie Sanders Sees Michigan Win as a Springboard to the Nomination By YAMICHE ALCINDOR and PATRICK HEALY(Mar. 12, 2016) — MIAMI — Convinced that his surprising victory in Michigan represented a turning point, Senator Bernie Sanders and his advisers are maneuvering and spending aggressively to pull off a huge upset on Tuesday — a victory in the Ohio primary — by focusing on Hillary Clinton’s past support for trade deals that are deeply unpopular in the Midwest and other key states in his updated battle plans. https://publicskeleton.com/media/?p=683″ type=”image” alt=”20160311_2000 Bernie Sanders Sees Michigan Win as a Springboard to the Nomination (NYT).jpg” ] Bernie Sanders Sees Michigan Win as a Springboard to the Nomination
(Mar. 12, 2016) — MIAMI — Convinced that his surprising victory in Michigan represented a turning point, Senator Bernie Sanders and his advisers are maneuvering and spending aggressively to pull off a huge upset on Tuesday — a victory in the Ohio primary — by focusing on Hillary Clinton’s past support for trade deals that are deeply unpopular in the Midwest and other key states in his updated battle plans.