Watch Cornel West Blast Bill Maher for Suggesting That Sanders

[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”Watch Cornel West Blast Bill Maher for Suggesting That Sanders Supporters Back Clinton By Carly Hoilman, The Blaze (July 30, 2016 7:28 a.m.) — Dr. Cornel West joined the “Real Time With Bill Maher” panel Friday night to reflect on the Democratic National Convention that ended the night before. During the panel discussion, Clinton supporter Bill Maher suggested that it’s time for Bernie Sanders supporters to throw in the towel and get behind the newly appointed party nominee.Guest Alex Wagner claimed that the rowdy anti-Clinton protesters at the DNC were hardly representative of the “vast majority” of Sanders supporters, who “understand the stakes” and are willing to back Clinton.” type=”image” alt=”20160730_0728 Watch Cornel West Blast Bill Maher for Suggesting Sanders Supporters Back Clinton.jpg” ] Watch Cornel West Blast Bill Maher for Suggesting That Sanders Supporters Back Clinton
By Carly Hoilman, The Blaze

(July 30, 2016 7:28 a.m.) — Dr. Cornel West joined the “Real Time With Bill Maher” panel Friday night to reflect on the Democratic National Convention that ended the night before. During the panel discussion, Clinton supporter Bill Maher suggested that it’s time for Bernie Sanders supporters to throw in the towel and get behind the newly appointed party nominee.

Guest Alex Wagner claimed that the rowdy anti-Clinton protesters at the DNC were hardly representative of the “vast majority” of Sanders supporters, who “understand the stakes” and are willing to back Clinton.

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Bernie Sanders Reacts To Obama’s “Feel The Bern” Comment By Humbly Acknowledging His Success

[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”Bernie Sanders Reacts To Obama's "Feel The Bern" Comment By Humbly Acknowledging His Success By Hillary E. Crawford, (July 28, 2016 4:48 a.m.) — As one of Wednesday's keynote speakers at the Democratic National Convention, President Barack Obama gave Hillary Clinton a mighty endorsement. But that doesn't mean he let Bernie Sanders' movement slip out of the spotlight. As the camera caught a glimpse of Sanders reacting to Obama's "Feel the Bern" comment, the Vermont senator's humbled pride shone brightly. Refusing to react too enthusiastically, Sanders looked as though he was trying his absolute hardest to suppress a huge smile. Though the democratic socialist may not be thrilled about losing out on the party's nomination, he's certainly proud of how far his supporters have helped his movement come.” type=”image” alt=”20160728_0448 Bernie Sanders Reacts To Obamas Feel The Bern Comment (bustle).jpg” ] Bernie Sanders Reacts To Obama’s “Feel The Bern” Comment By Humbly Acknowledging His Success
By Hillary E. Crawford,

(July 28, 2016 4:48 a.m.) — As one of Wednesday’s keynote speakers at the Democratic National Convention, President Barack Obama gave Hillary Clinton a mighty endorsement. But that doesn’t mean he let Bernie Sanders’ movement slip out of the spotlight. As the camera caught a glimpse of Sanders reacting to Obama’s “Feel the Bern” comment, the Vermont senator’s humbled pride shone brightly.

Refusing to react too enthusiastically, Sanders looked as though he was trying his absolute hardest to suppress a huge smile. Though the democratic socialist may not be thrilled about losing out on the party’s nomination, he’s certainly proud of how far his supporters have helped his movement come.

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Bernie Sanders Has Lost Control of His Political Revolution

Bernie Sanders Has Lost Control of His Political Revolution
By Sam Frizell | Charlotte Alter, Time

(July 26, 2016 1:02 a.m. ET) — It was supposed to be the night the Democratic Party finally exorcised its demons. Instead, on a sultry, hot day in Philadelphia, the long-simmering disillusionment of Bernie Sanders supporters erupted into anger. And not even the Senator himself could calm them.

A day of protests, booing and open dissent on Monday at the Democratic convention threatened to derail the party’s moment in the spotlight, exposing the fault lines that have divided the Democrats throughout the contentious primary between Sanders and Hillary Clinton. Inside the DNC convention hall, Sanders’ delegates shouted “Bernie! Bernie!” booed Clinton surrogates and even briefly broke into the “Lock Her Up!” chant favored by Donald Trump supporters.

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Sanders Supporter Shailene Woodley Caravans Across U.S. to DNC

[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”Sanders Supporter Shailene Woodley Caravans Across U.S. to DNC By James Rainey, Variety (July 25, 2016 6:01 a.m.) — PHILADELPHIA — The Convention-eve resignation of Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz Sunday evening emphasized that this week’s party conclave in Philadelphia may not be the seamless coronation that most Democratic operatives pined for.Embarrassing emails showed that party leaders had conspired to short-circuit the maverick campaign of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. That led Schultz to announce, within just hours of the news breaking, that she would step down at week’s end, after more than a decade as Democratic Party chair.” type=”image” alt=”20160725_0601 Sanders Supporter Shailene Woodley Caravans Across US to DNC.jpg” ] Sanders Supporter Shailene Woodley Caravans Across U.S. to DNC
By James Rainey, Variety

(July 25, 2016 6:01 a.m.) — PHILADELPHIA — The Convention-eve resignation of Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz Sunday evening emphasized that this week’s party conclave in Philadelphia may not be the seamless coronation that most Democratic operatives pined for.

Embarrassing emails showed that party leaders had conspired to short-circuit the maverick campaign of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. That led Schultz to announce, within just hours of the news breaking, that she would step down at week’s end, after more than a decade as Democratic Party chair.

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Bernie Sanders Supporters Say They’ll Fart in Protest of Hillary Clinton

[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”Bernie Sanders Supporters Say They’ll Fart in Protest of Hillary Clinton By Kirsten Salyer, Time (July 19, 2016 3:50 p.m.) — In case you need another reminder that much of the 2016 election seems to be on the same maturity level as a middle school student council contest, there’s this: Bernie Sanders supporters are planning a “fart-in” at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia next week to protest Hillary Clinton’s nomination.“For us, this whole thing is a farce, it’s a charade,” organizer Cheri Honkala told NBC News. “They’re creating the illusion of democracy in a very important historical location, Philadelphia, and we’re really saddened by that.”CNN.” type=”image” alt=”20160719_1550 Bernie Sanders Supporters Say They’ll Fart in Protest of Hillary Clinton (Time).jpg” ] Bernie Sanders Supporters Say They’ll Fart in Protest of Hillary Clinton
By Kirsten Salyer, Time

(July 19, 2016 3:50 p.m.) — In case you need another reminder that much of the 2016 election seems to be on the same maturity level as a middle school student council contest, there’s this: Bernie Sanders supporters are planning a “fart-in” at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia next week to protest Hillary Clinton’s nomination.

“For us, this whole thing is a farce, it’s a charade,” organizer Cheri Honkala told NBC News. “They’re creating the illusion of democracy in a very important historical location, Philadelphia, and we’re really saddened by that.”

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Hillary Clinton will feel the Bern as Occupy DNC Plans March

[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”Hillary Clinton will feel the Bern as Occupy DNC Plans March By Kim McLendon, Inquisitr (June 20, 2016 6:00 p.m.) — Hillary Clinton will soon be feeling the Bern in the form of millions of Bernie Sanders supporters bent on shaping history. They are fighting for a history with President Sanders and without another President Clinton.Millions of angry protesters will descend on Philadelphia, PA ahead of the convention to attempt to sway superdelegates. Trained in nonviolent protests, they plan an Occupy-style protest for the length of the convention. Organizers predict Millions will attend. Many media outlets are predicting a smaller number in the tens of thousands. This figure, reported on Facebook, accounts for just one of dozens of groups participating.″ type=”image” alt=”20160620_1800 Hillary Clinton will feel the Bern as Occupy DNC Plans March (inquisitr).jpg” ] Hillary Clinton will feel the Bern as Occupy DNC Plans March
By Kim McLendon, Inquisitr

(June 20, 2016 6:00 p.m.) — Hillary Clinton will soon be feeling the Bern in the form of millions of Bernie Sanders supporters bent on shaping history. They are fighting for a history with President Sanders and without another President Clinton.
Millions of angry protesters will descend on Philadelphia, PA ahead of the convention to attempt to sway superdelegates. Trained in nonviolent protests, they plan an Occupy-style protest for the length of the convention. Organizers predict Millions will attend. Many media outlets are predicting a smaller number in the tens of thousands. This figure, reported on Facebook, accounts for just one of dozens of groups participating.

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Sanders still in the race after meeting with Clinton

[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”Sanders still in the race after meeting with Clinton By Jonathan Easley (June 14, 2016 09:13 p.m.) — Bernie Sanders is staying in the Democratic presidential race after meeting with rival Hillary Clinton, the party’s presumptive nominee, for nearly two hours at a Washington, D.C., hotel on Tuesday night. Sanders and Clinton met at the Capital Hilton just blocks from the White House to plot a way forward after the Democratic primary season came to a close on Tuesday.″ type=”image” alt=”20160614_2113 Sanders still in the race after meeting with Clinton (Hill).jpg” ] Sanders still in the race after meeting with Clinton
By Jonathan Easley

(June 14, 2016 09:13 p.m.) — Bernie Sanders is staying in the Democratic presidential race after meeting with rival Hillary Clinton, the party’s presumptive nominee, for nearly two hours at a Washington, D.C., hotel on Tuesday night.

Sanders and Clinton met at the Capital Hilton just blocks from the White House to plot a way forward after the Democratic primary season came to a close on Tuesday.

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4 Reasons Bernie Sanders Could Fight On

[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”4 Reasons Bernie Sanders Could Fight OnWhy Clinton's call for Sanders to fall in line misreads the 2016 race By , RollingStone (June 7, 2016 03:00 p.m.) — On Monday — even before the Associated Press declared her the presumptive Democratic nominee — Hillary Clinton leaned on Bernie Sanders to fall in line. Citing her own precedent from 2008, Clinton told reporters, "Tomorrow is eight years to the day after I withdrew and endorsed then-Sen. Obama. I believed it was the right thing to do."The message from Clinton is clear: Let's get that "Kumbaya moment" going, Bernie. And make it snappy.″ type=”image” alt=”20160607_1500 Four Reasons Bernie Sanders Could Fight On (RollingStone).jpg” ] 4 Reasons Bernie Sanders Could Fight On
Why Clinton’s call for Sanders to fall in line misreads the 2016 race
By , RollingStone

(June 7, 2016 03:00 p.m.) — On Monday — even before the Associated Press declared her the presumptive Democratic nominee — Hillary Clinton leaned on Bernie Sanders to fall in line. Citing her own precedent from 2008, Clinton told reporters, “Tomorrow is eight years to the day after I withdrew and endorsed then-Sen. Obama. I believed it was the right thing to do.”

The message from Clinton is clear: Let’s get that “Kumbaya moment” going, Bernie. And make it snappy.

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Bernie Sanders Can Still be the Democratic Nominee

[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”Bernie Sanders Can Still be the Democratic Nominee By Kim McLendon, Inquisitr (June 5, 2016 11:00 pm) — Bernie Sanders still has a good chance to win the nomination. Clinton supporters want the public to think the primary is over, but that just isn’t true. There are still 714 winnable delegates in play, and an additional 67 delegates yet to be assigned when the votes are counted in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. So far, the counting process is going slowly.On June 7, there will be 694 pledged delegates up for grabs, including 475 delegates from California. The District of Columbia will offer another 20 in the final primary on June 14, according to Real Clear Politics. In addition, another 67 delegates will be assigned for votes cast this weekend and are yet to be counted in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.″ type=”image” alt=”20160605_2300 Bernie Sanders Can Still be the Democratic Nominee (Inquistr).jpg” ] Bernie Sanders Can Still be the Democratic Nominee
By Kim McLendon, Inquisitr

(June 5, 2016 11:00 pm) — Bernie Sanders still has a good chance to win the nomination. Clinton supporters want the public to think the primary is over, but that just isn’t true. There are still 714 winnable delegates in play, and an additional 67 delegates yet to be assigned when the votes are counted in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. So far, the counting process is going slowly.

On June 7, there will be 694 pledged delegates up for grabs, including 475 delegates from California. The District of Columbia will offer another 20 in the final primary on June 14, according to Real Clear Politics. In addition, another 67 delegates will be assigned for votes cast this weekend and are yet to be counted in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.

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Bernie’s wrecking crew

[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”(June 3, 20126 05:42 a.m. ET) — Sanders' New York delegation is threatening to sow chaos on the convention floor. Call them Hillary’s home-state haters.A group of rabble-rousing Bernie Sanders supporters from New York is headed for the Democratic National Convention next month as hand-picked, at-large delegates — and they’re threatening to make trouble for Hillary Clinton at the very moment she hopes to make history as the first female nominee of either party and unite Democrats for the coming battle with Donald Trump.The disgruntled Sanders delegation, heading to Philadelphia with deep reservations about Clinton’s brand of center-left pragmatism, serves as a reminder of how contentious the four-day meeting could become, and a warning to Democrats of the importance of bringing Sanders happily into the fold.″ type=”image” alt=”20160603_0542 Bernie’s wrecking crew (politico).jpg” ] Bernie’s wrecking crew
By Annie Karni, Politico

(June 3, 20126 05:42 a.m. ET) — Sanders’ New York delegation is threatening to sow chaos on the convention floor. Call them Hillary’s home-state haters.

A group of rabble-rousing Bernie Sanders supporters from New York is headed for the Democratic National Convention next month as hand-picked, at-large delegates — and they’re threatening to make trouble for Hillary Clinton at the very moment she hopes to make history as the first female nominee of either party and unite Democrats for the coming battle with Donald Trump.

The disgruntled Sanders delegation, heading to Philadelphia with deep reservations about Clinton’s brand of center-left pragmatism, serves as a reminder of how contentious the four-day meeting could become, and a warning to Democrats of the importance of bringing Sanders happily into the fold.

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