Bernie Sanders earns $15 minimum wage amendment to Democratic platform

[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”Bernie Sanders earns $15 minimum wage amendment to Democratic platform By the Associated Press (July 9, 2016 9:12 a.m.) — ORLANDO, Fla. – Bernie Sanders' crusade to shape the Democratic party platform scored a win late Friday night, with the approval of an amendment calling for increasing the federal minimum wage to $15 over time.The fight to get more explicit platform language around wages showed the Vermont senator's campaign still fighting for the liberal issues that made up his "political revolution" even as his clout fades.” type=”image” alt=”20160709_0912 Bernie Sanders earns $15 minimum wage amendment to Democratic platform.jpg” ] Bernie Sanders earns $15 minimum wage amendment to Democratic platform
By the Associated Press

(July 9, 2016 9:12 a.m.) — ORLANDO, Fla. – Bernie Sanders’ crusade to shape the Democratic party platform scored a win late Friday night, with the approval of an amendment calling for increasing the federal minimum wage to $15 over time.

The fight to get more explicit platform language around wages showed the Vermont senator’s campaign still fighting for the liberal issues that made up his “political revolution” even as his clout fades.

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The Bernie Effect: Five Ways Sanders May Impact the Democractic Party Platform

[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”The Bernie Effect: Five Ways Sanders May Impact the Democractic Party Platform By Samantha Kilgore, Inquisitr (May 25, 2016 Although it is becoming increasingly clear that Senator Bernie Sanders, despite running a brilliant, odds-defying campaign, will not be able to clinch the Democratic nomination for the presidency, it’s also becoming clear that there will be a long-lasting “Bernie effect,” long after he concedes to Hillary Clinton. Sanders has shown the Democratic establishment that America is, indeed, hungry for change, and open to ideas and policies that were once dismissed as being “too liberal.” Through Sanders’s potential shaping of the Democratic platform, the Bernie effect may change the face of the Democratic party.In an unprecedented move, meant to spark unity between Sanders’s passionate supporters and Hillary Clinton’s supporters, the Sanders campaign was given five seats on the Democratic Platform Committee. Clinton was give six appointees, and the Democratic National Committee will add an additional four, for a total of 15. The committee will be chaired by Representative Elijah Cummings.″ type=”image” alt=”20160525_0800 Bernie Effect Five Ways Sanders May Impact the Democractic Party Platform.jpg” ] The Bernie Effect: Five Ways Sanders May Impact the Democractic Party Platform
By Samantha Kilgore, Inquisitr

(May 25, 2016 Although it is becoming increasingly clear that Senator Bernie Sanders, despite running a brilliant, odds-defying campaign, will not be able to clinch the Democratic nomination for the presidency, it’s also becoming clear that there will be a long-lasting “Bernie effect,” long after he concedes to Hillary Clinton. Sanders has shown the Democratic establishment that America is, indeed, hungry for change, and open to ideas and policies that were once dismissed as being “too liberal.” Through Sanders’s potential shaping of the Democratic platform, the Bernie effect may change the face of the Democratic party.

In an unprecedented move, meant to spark unity between Sanders’s passionate supporters and Hillary Clinton’s supporters, the Sanders campaign was given five seats on the Democratic Platform Committee. Clinton was give six appointees, and the Democratic National Committee will add an additional four, for a total of 15. The committee will be chaired by Representative Elijah Cummings.

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