Bernie Sanders Wins 2 Out of 3, Looks for Momentum

[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”20160305_2216 Bernie Sanders Wins 2 Out of 3, Looks for Momentum (Advocate).jpg” type=”image” alt=”20160305_2216 Bernie Sanders Wins 2 Out of 3, Looks for Momentum (Advocate).jpg” ] Bernie Sanders Wins 2 Out of 3, Looks for Momentum
By Lucas Grindley, Advocate

(Mar. 5, 2016 22:16 EST) — The Bernie Sanders campaign is touting its wins in Kansas and Nebraska as a sign of life in its quest to overtake Hillary Clinton in the race for the Democratic nomination.

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Bernie Sanders to Run 5-Minute Documentary Ad on Univision to Court Hispanics

[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”Bernie Sanders to Run 5-Minute Documentary Ad on Univision to Court Hispanics By Nick Corasaniti, New York Times (Mar. 5, 2016 08:00 am) In an effort to reach millions of Hispanic voters, Bernie Sanders’s campaign is running a five-minute Spanish-language ad on Univision that calls attention to the plight of a female farm worker in Florida.″ type=”image” alt=”20160305_0800 Bernie Sanders to Run 5-Minute Documentary Ad on Univision to Court Hispanics (NYT).jpg” ] Bernie Sanders to Run 5-Minute Documentary Ad on Univision to Court Hispanics
By Nick Corasaniti, New York Times

(Mar. 5, 2016 08:00 am) In an effort to reach millions of Hispanic voters, Bernie Sanders’s campaign is running a five-minute Spanish-language ad on Univision that calls attention to the plight of a female farm worker in Florida.

In the ad, the woman chokes back tears two minutes into telling her story, one that began with her saying “Voy a luchar mientras,” or “I will always fight.” But the ad then drifts into the hardships she faces, like the low wages she earns working the tomato fields of Immokalee, Fla.

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Watch the video:


Published on Mar 5, 2016

Working families of Immokalee, Florida, have been fighting exploitation by the agricultural industry. “I will always fight. As long as I can see my children happy and well, I will continue fighting to provide them with the best. My children are the motor that drives my life,” Udelia says.

In 2008, Bernie traveled to Immokalee and met with migrant workers who were being ruthlessly exploited. He told the story to Congress in the hopes of improving their condition, and succeeded. But how many more Immokalees are there? How many fields or factories are there? We have to ask ourselves ‘who benefits from this exploitation?’ And to understand that it is not only the Immokalee workers who suffer but every worker in America because that pushes us in a race to the bottom.

We appreciate the use of footage from the award winning documentary “Food Chains”, directed by Sanjay Rawal.

FBI at a Snails Pace: Grants Immunity to Staffer Who Set Up Clinton Email Server

[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”Justice Dept. grants immunity to staffer who set up Clinton email serverBy Adam Goldman, WashingtonPost (Mar. 2, 2016 20:20 pm) The Justice Department has granted immunity to a former State Department staffer, who worked on Hillary Clinton’s private email server, as part of a criminal investigation into the possible mishandling of classified information, according to a senior law enforcement official.″ type=”image” alt=”20160302_2020 Immunity Granted to staffer who set up Clinton email server (WP).jpg” ] Justice Dept. grants immunity to staffer who set up Clinton email server
By Adam Goldman, WashingtonPost

(Mar. 2, 2016 20:20 pm) The Justice Department has granted immunity to a former State Department staffer, who worked on Hillary Clinton’s private email server, as part of a criminal investigation into the possible mishandling of classified information, according to a senior law enforcement official.

The official said the FBI had secured the cooperation of Bryan Pagliano, who worked on Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign before setting up the server in her New York home in 2009.

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Super Tuesday: Bernie Sanders Denies Clinton Colorado and Minnesota, Virtually Ties Massachusetts

[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”Super Tuesday: Bernie Sanders Denies Clinton Colorado and Minnesota, Virtually Tie in Massachusetts(Mar. 2, 2016 02:00 a.m ET) Sanders denies Clinton Colorado and Minnesota, two key states during Super Tuesday’s democratic race for the nomination.Massachusetts was a virtual tie making the theoretical state win count six to five in favor of Clinton. The number of delegates won by Clinton was 453 to Sanders’ 284.″ type=”image” alt=”20160302_0200 Super Tuesday Bernie Sanders Denies Clinton Colorado and Minnesota (NTY).jpg” ] Super Tuesday: Bernie Sanders Denies Clinton Colorado and Minnesota, Virtually Ties Massachusetts

(Mar. 2, 2016 02:00 a.m ET) Sanders denies Clinton Colorado and Minnesota, two key states during Super Tuesday’s democratic race for the nomination.
Massachusetts was a virtual tie making the theoretical state win count six to five in favor of Clinton. The number of delegates won by Clinton was 453 to Sanders’ 284.

See charts.

Sanders Wins Vermont, Clinton Takes Two States

[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”Sanders Wins Vermont, Clinton Takes Two StatesBy New York Times(Mar. 1, 2016 19:45 ET) Voters in 12 states are choosing their presidential nominees in a Super Tuesday contest.This is the largest voting day of primaries and caucuses for both parties, with about one-quarter of all delegates at stake.″ type=”image” alt=”20160301_1945 Sanders Wins Vermont Clinton Takes Two States (NYT).jpg” ] Sanders Wins Vermont, Clinton Takes Two States
By New York Times

(Mar. 1, 2016 19:45 ET) Voters in 12 states are choosing their presidential nominees in a Super Tuesday contest.

This is the largest voting day of primaries and caucuses for both parties, with about one-quarter of all delegates at stake.

Read more.

The Art of the Lie: Hillary Clinton’s Artful Avoidance and Obfuscation (Draft 1)

This is a rough draft Ver. 1

(Feb. 23, 2016) — During tonight’s CNN Town Hall meeting between democratic nominee hopefuls Sen. Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton, the moderator asked Clinton about why she hasn’t released her $200k paid speech transcripts made with Goldman Sachs, and whether the private email server classified information mishandling investigation has impacted her campaign.

Clinton’s response might as well have been from Donald Trump’s book, “The Art of the Deal.” However, Clinton’s book would be named, “The Art of the Lie.”

If anyone who has been following the democratic candidates over the past year, one would be very familiar with the issues that arrise for each of the candidates along the way. The first time Clinton was asked about her paid speeches with Goldman Sachs, where she received over $600K for three speeches, was around when Lee Fang, a reporter with “The Intercept” began asking her about them, and was subsequently brushed off and laughed at.

Since, the request for the transcripts has been popping up without giving way. Clinton’s first response, which was during a broadcast debate with Sanders, she said she would, “look into it.” Now, and as artfully as she could, she is conditioning her release of those transcripts on actions of the other candidates. Namely, the republicans as well as Sen. Bernie Sanders.

Sanders, has since, released what little transcripts he had. But this wasn’t enought for Clinton. She moved the goal post and is now requiring all the republican candidates to also release transcripts of any speeches they every made as well. This scored Clinton points in creative dodging (i.e., lying), and as such, is playing a page out of the book, “The Art of the Lie.”

Both her responses were misleading.

1) Transcripts – Basically, she has refused from the start to release claiming she will look into it. Now she has spouted how she wants everybody to release their transcripts 1st before she will follow.

2) Email – She tried to summarize this as another “attack” based issue.

1) Transcripts – My view – If she wants to be the leader of this country, and the leader of the Military (where soldiers have been sent to jail, subject to UCMJ actions for mishandling classified information.) why is she differing leadership to the other candidates to lead the releasing of transcripts for their paid speeches.

Its like, Clinton’s position is, “I won’t tell the truth (by releasing the transcripts) unless you tell the truth first.” Lastly, on this issue. First, the other candidates are not only asking, but the American people are asking her to release the transcripts. She doesn’t only have to come clean to the other candidates, but she has conditioned her coming clean on behalf of the interest of the American people on weather the other candidates will release their transcripts.

Does this sound familiar? Yes. It’s that tit for tat approach to dealing with a problem. This is what grid locks congress where Republicans and Democrats play this game back and forth in D.C. and nothing gets done. Thus, the same old tactics, gimmicks, and tricks. Meanwhile, while the game is afoot, the American people, as with the transcripts are marginalized because of how she wants to “play the game.” Because it is only a game for her. If she looses, she goes back to a cushy lifestyle.

2) Classified Email Breech:

Well, I sent an op-ed into the New York Times on this basically narrowing it down to how soldiers would face much more serious consequences for simply having a thumb drive used around official military equipment and computer in the course of communications. Here, she basically installed her own system, to intercept communications she needed to send, receive and store in the course of her work as a United States Secretary of State.

This is very serious. The idea that she setup this private system guarantees that she would be in control of distribution of its contents upon request. Therefore, she, once again, and with the intention of, developed a “buffer” between her and being accountable to the American people. As she is now doing above, with the speech transcripts as well.

She is enabling her ability to come clean with transcripts or email contents behind an action depending on a third party.

With respect to the Transcripts – she is hinging her actions on the Republican’s to first make a move (Bernie has already done it); and with respect to the emails, she hinged her ability to act on the limitations of the system she setup to begin with (third party device). The private server enabled her to “loose” thousands of emails, and then slowly seep out the information, in hard printout form (can’t be searched” on her terms. What is most disingenuous is how she designed this in advance, a premeditated act with the anticipation of being able to obstruct when needed.

Doesn’t the NSA Already have Clinton’s Email Communications?

You know, with all of the Edward Snowden revelations, and Glenn Greenwald’s reporting on the government surveillance systems, the hijacking of emails and voice transmissions, and the like, wouldn’t you think that the NSA, or the DHS, Google, Microsoft, as such would all have copies of Clinton’s private email server communications?

If then, then why haven’t they provided the investigation with same?

Or, why hasn’t the FBI gotten an order, like they did with Apple, to forensically pry any and all databases open to recover the information form all sources?

Who is the director of the FBI?

FBI Facts: (Wikipedia)

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is the domestic intelligence and security service of the United States, which simultaneously serves as the nation’s prime federal law enforcement organization. Operating under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Department of Justice, FBI is concurrently a member of the U.S. Intelligence Community and reports to both the Attorney General and the Director of National Intelligence.[2] A leading U.S. counterterrorism, counterintelligence, and criminal investigative organization, FBI has jurisdiction over violations of more than 200 categories of federal crimes.[3]

FBI Director Appointments:

Current FBI Director:

James Brien Comey, Jr. (born December 14, 1960) is an American lawyer. He is the seventh and current Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Appointed by Barack Obama (Friends with Hillary Clinton):

In May 2013, it was reported, and in June 2013 it was made official, that President Barack Obama would nominate Comey to be the next Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, replacing outgoing director Robert Mueller.

Standards for Appointments:

FBI Directors are appointed by the President of the United States. They must be confirmed by the United States Senate and serve a term of office of five years, with a maximum of ten years, if reappointed, unless they resign or are fired by the President before their term ends.

Unleashing the BERN! Informing the Uninformed

Unleashing the BERN! – Informing the Uninformed

(Feb. 22, 2016 11:22 ET) It was an nice cool dry Friday evening in a little busy part of the place they call downtown here in my neck of the woods in Florida. I had decided to roam around the sidewalks watching people make the best of their weekend night zipping around with family and friends in and out of coffee shops and restaurants. Some would even take the weight off their feet by sitting in a small park area with benches to take in the a wall size mural on the side of one of the buildings there.

This was where I decided to take some night pictures at, in this little sectioned off pubic area on the block’s corner call Pioneer Park.

Street photography is one of the more challenging kinds of photography. It places one at odds with the social temperaments of the area, and you will most likely have to socialize at every location you stop and try compose your next shot. I’m not talking about passing by taking a quick iPhone snapshot. The night photography I do, and for this night would involve locating interesting parts of the area, setting up a tripod, and taking slow-shutter, long 30 second exposures.

This setup, along with a big professional camera, lens and the look like you know what your doing creates lots of curiosity passer buyers to stop and inquire what is going on. You will at least get the looks and be prepared to deal with making a public spectacle of yourself on the streets. If you’ve done this for a while, it still takes a little getting used to.

Public street photography then opens up the opportunity to talk and meet with people.

So, if prepared, it is also a good opportunity to do some soft grass roots campaigning for Bernie Sanders. So I decided I would have an agenda, when responding to those bold enough to engage me while doing street photography.

One particular area I had in mind, and which fits into a larger project in my area, is this small public park with benches that has a large mural painted on the side of one of the adjacent buildings next to it.

After setting up and starting to take pictures of the scene, I noticed this guy sitting on one of the benches in the park. he was a black guy, clean face, casually dressed perhaps in his mid-thirties. He appeared to me to be sitting there with an agenda. Perhaps to hustle people for something.

It wasn’t long after I started shooting did this guy make his move to ask me, “hey do you have any money I could use to get a hot meal?”

Being prepared for him to make his move, I quickly dismissed his initial question with a, “No, I’m just here.” Or something along those lines. I then quickly seized the opportunity to change the conversation to who he was going to be voting for and asked him, “so who are you going to be voting for?”

That’s were this guy, of all people began to educate me on how the lack of information can affect how people vote.

Interestingly, his default, uncertain, kinda shooting in the dark response was, “well, probably Clinton.”

The way he said it basically told me he merely was going to vote for Clinton just because he recognized the name.

Now days later, I found myself reflecting on my conversation with this guy, who told me his name was, “William.”

This morning I watched the online episode of Meet the Press (MTP) (for last Sunday) which had a great breakdown of the elections up to yesterday, and good info on what to expect in the upcoming weeks.

During MTP political analysis session, they began spit-balling the whats and the whys as to how the candidates got to where they are, their strengths, and their weaknesses.

There was a moment in the discussion about Clinton voters winning a lot of the black votes. At the same time, the said that Bernie was winning the younger voters, and had the highest marks for integrity and honesty.

So given my conversation with William, a black man, uneducated, street wise kinda guy, I discovered basically he was going to be voting for . . . Clinton simply because he knew her name.

That told me something about why Clinton may be getting the black votes now.

Purely because of the name recognition she was able to capitalize off of because of her husband, Bill Clinton, to include her time in office as well.

It was interesting to see how powerful name recognition could be when somebody has to make a decision about who to vote for. I suppose it’s like buying a product online, if your not really sure of it, perhaps you’ll go for the “named brand” item verses the generic.

In this regard, name recognition appears to be a very powerful force. William didn’t really having anything against Bernie, he just didn’t know the name.

Getting back to MTP’s further revelation that Bernie Sanders was winning a majority of the younger voters, also told me something as well. it told me that these younger voters also don’t know the Clinton name. In that sense, they they went out there and explored what options were out there, got informed and have taken each candidate at face value – which, because Bernie is who is is, they, the young, unpolluted electorate, choose Bernie.

Not knowing Bernie name sounds incredible to people like us, who have watch probably all his rallies, and have been waist deep in following the political campaigning since last year. I’m guilty of that, more so this election than any other. Mainly because of Bernie’s message – on everything.

Unfortunately, all our knowledge and conviction as to who the next president should me, is simply not enough.

Clearly William wasn’t stupid. He wasn’t a completely homeless guy either, he was engaged in his own way and will probably make it to the ballot box. Perhaps a little more motivated now because I spoke to him about who he was going to be voting for.

Upon reflection, I recall that I too was like William in terns of my degree of education and involvement in the elections of the past.

I think many of us before we got into being as engaged as we are in this election cycle were not as engaged in previous ones.

And maybe we also took a superficial look at the ballots, and just arbitrarily chose a decision one way or the other. Even going by what we knew about the candidate by their name, and not knowing really what they stood for really at the time. Even just which party they were running under.

After William said with wavering conviction, and an unthoughtful like response, that he was voting for Clinton, I thought to myself he doesn’t sound like he is certain on his choice. That William was merely going with what he knows about the candidate, And what he really was saying is that he chose Clinton because he merely knew the name – from the past.

Well, at this point I saw the conversation getting interesting to me so I asked him why was he supporting Clinton?

Well, William didn’t have much of a response if I recall. So I quickly started talking about Bernie Sanders. And to my surprise, he didn’t even know who he was. He didn’t and never heard of the name Bernie Sanders?

Now I know this is a long entry, and I’ll probably rewrite this into an article on my site, In any case, what was most interesting here was this guy, William, said he didn’t even know the name Bernie Sanders?

This says a lot. It says that for no other reason, William was voting for Clinton because he really didn’t have any alternative information to go off of.

This revelation, and after I look at all the rallies I watch online, I said how could this be. Millions of people have seen and at least know the name Bernie Sanders. Right? Well, that isn’t the case. There are people still out their who, like the way we were before we got into following politics closely, simply going off bits and pieces of information to make their choice.

If for no other reason than just not knowing the name Clinton, many voters will vote like William just because of name recognition. If for no other reason because, like William, they were simply uninformed, and without information.

Well, there I was standing in the middle of a small park along a busy street on a Friday night. I started letting William know who Bernie Sanders was.

I haven’t really had to verbalize, persuade, or at least educate somebody in person like that before. So I was not impressed with my limited ability at the time to be able to “sell” Bernie in a live, door to door, sale person like manner, as you will need to be able to do on the street. So practice!

In any case, While I fumbled to try to sell Bernie to William, I tried to recall all the bullet issues that Bernie mentions in all of his speeches.

Really, he has written our sales manual in his speeches. All you have to do is remember the one’s that are most meaningful to you, and use your own personal passion from there to leave with the person your campaigning.

It wasn’t easy, and I saw myself at times feeling like I was only saying things like, “trust me, just vote for Bernie Sanders.”

Though William didn’t have anywhere to go. He definitely had an attention span that was limited. He had other people to hustle for money.

While speaking with William there in the park, another person walked up beside us and undoubtedly was listening and interested in the conversation about Bernie. But played off his interest being there with the mural on the wall. People are funny.

William, didn’t hesitate to take advantage of the new guy in the area, so he asked him for money, “to get a hot meal.” When that didn’t work, he asked the guy for a cigarette. Which he got. William eventually walked off and we parted ways.

For no other reason people are just busy and operate on their own time frames. It’s not that they are not interested in talking politics, there is just a limited window of opportunity to talk to them about it on the street, if at all.

So you’ll have to wrap up a good summary of Bernie campaign points in just a few minutes. if you have time to expand, then you can give the full power-point presentation highlighting the points Bernie raises during his speeches as a guide.

So the moral of this story? Perhaps, people in some areas will be voting merely due to name recognition unless we purposefully put Bernie Sanders name out there. The kids are leaning toward Bernie because they have not been polluted by the Clinton distraction which allowed them to take a fresh look at, and to choose Bernie.

It is difficult to spread the word about Bernie if your in an area which has not been exposed to anything they don’t already know. On my scale, it was frustrating, but on a national scale, can you imagine how Bernie must feel when facing all fifty states?

In this respect, one has to start early. Like anything else your trying to sell or persuade a situation to happen. People have to be made aware of the option, consider the option, and discuss if further. Sounds brutal, doesn’t it?

Don’t underestimate your abilty to connect with mere passer byers on the streets. I’m writing this entire article about my interaction with William. And he is probably on another street corner trying to hustle money or cigarettes from somebody.

You never know how your input could effect somebody. And if somebody is merely voting because they know the Clinton name, a simple suggestion, from a passionate believer, could be all they need to see the light and change their choice to Bernie.

Use your passion, The passion will say a thousand words we can’t say in the limited couple of minutes we have to talk Bernie to people.

As long as the enthusiasm is genuine, you can cut out all of the statistical mumbo jumbo of selling points to convince somebody to vote for Bernie.

At least get a cool Bernie T-Shirt and wear it in public. Then when somebody walks up and ask you, “why are your voting for Bernie Sanders,” you can unleash the BERN!

Salon Confident on Bernie Sanders’ Fate

[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”(Feb. 21, 2016 22:30 ET) Bernie Sanders will be the next president of the United States, according to Salon. The Vermont Senator will require the help of young people and working class people to achieve his ambitious plans, and he is likely to get it.″ type=”image” alt=”20160222_2230 Bernie Sanders will be the next president of the United States (Inquisitr).jpg” ] (Feb. 21, 2016 22:30 ET) Bernie Sanders will be the next president of the United States, according to Salon. The Vermont Senator will require the help of young people and working class people to achieve his ambitious plans, and he is likely to get it.

Read More.

Jane Sanders is central in her husband’s surging campaign

[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”Jane Sanders is central in her husband's surging campaignBy Catherine Lucey and Ken Thomas, AP ROMULUS, Mich. (AP) (Feb. 18, 2016 12:49) — When Jane Sanders saw an early cut of the "America" ad for her husband's presidential campaign, she felt something wasn't quite right. The problem? Her husband was talking in it.” type=”image” alt=”20160218_1249 Jane Sanders is central in her husband’s surging campaign (SFGate).jpg” ]

The article below really talks about what I think we see every time Jane escorts her husband to the podium. She, unlike the other candidates, is virtually always there providing her in-the-trenches support as she quietly hands him off to the microphone to address thousands of supporters at his rallies.

This says a lot about their enduring relationship, now a marriage for 27-years.

I think we are going to see more of this support from Jane in the upcoming months leading to the primary, and then to the general election.

Jane Sanders is central in her husband’s surging campaign
By Catherine Lucey and Ken Thomas, AP

ROMULUS, Mich. (AP) (Feb. 18, 2016 12:49) — When Jane Sanders saw an early cut of the “America” ad for her husband’s presidential campaign, she felt something wasn’t quite right. The problem? Her husband was talking in it.

The uplifting spot for Bernie Sanders features sunny images of his packed rallies while Simon and Garfunkel’s song “America” plays. Jane Sanders found herself being carried away by the mood and the music, not by the clip of him speaking.

“So I just asked to cut Bernie out,” she said. “He’s talking all the time in other places.”

Read more.

Elizabeth Warren’s Social Contract: ‘There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own’

[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”(Feb. 18, 2016 21:45 ET) Since Bernie Sanders' rise in the polls after putting up tough competition in Iowa and in New Hampshire against the purported "inevitable" contender Hillary Clinton, there has been a lot of talk about who Sanders' running mate may be. Many have contemplated Sen. Elizabeth Warren as an ideal candidate who has sported parallel stances on issues the Sanders campaign has been touting during his campaign.″ type=”image” alt=”20110922_1200 Elizabeth Warren on The Myth of Class Warfare (addMoreJuice)(YT).jpg” ] (Feb. 18, 2016 21:45 ET) Since Bernie Sanders’ rise in the polls after putting up tough competition in Iowa and in New Hampshire against the purported “inevitable” contender Hillary Clinton, there has been a lot of talk about who Sanders’ running mate may be.

Many have contemplated Sen. Elizabeth Warren as an ideal candidate who has sported parallel stances on issues the Sanders campaign has been touting during his campaign.

Only speculation can be derived as to why Warren has not outwardly “endorsed” Sanders.

Perhaps she is allowing her supporters to make up their own minds and determinations by looking at her stances on the issues, and not who she may be endorsing for the presidency.

The impassioned Warren, while campaigning in August 2011, made some impacting remarks captured on video and then subsequently posted on YouTube the following month in September.

One of Warren’s most resonating quotes from that Andover, Mass., meeting, “There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own. Nobody,” has left a favorable impression with her supporters.

You can watch the 2-minute video and read a transcript of that meeting below.



From 00:55:
There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own.
You built a factory out there – good for you.
But I want to be clear.
You moved your goods to market on the roads the rest of us paid for.
You hired workers the rest of us paid to educate.
You were safe in your factory because of police forces and fire forces that the rest of us paid for.
You didn’t have to worry that marauding bands would come and seize everything at your factory,
and hire someone to protect against this because of the work the rest of us did.
Now look. You built a factory and it turned into something terrific or a great idea.
God Bless!
Keep a hunk of it.
But part of the underlying social contract is you take a hunk of that and pay forward for the next kid who comes along.

Elizabeth Warren, August 2011

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[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”(Feb. 18, 2016 21:45 ET) Since Bernie Sanders' rise in the polls after putting up tough competition in Iowa and in New Hampshire against the purported "inevitable" contender Hillary Clinton, there has been a lot of talk about who Sanders' running mate may be. Many have contemplated Sen. Elizabeth Warren as an ideal candidate who has sported parallel stances on issues the Sanders campaign has been touting during his campaign. 20110922_0955 Elizabeth Warren There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own (cbsnews)″ type=”image” alt=”20110922_0955 Elizabeth Warren There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own (cbsnews).jpg” ] Elizabeth Warren: “There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own” by Lucy Madison, CBS News

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