Sanders Civil Rights Photographs Tell History, Setup Future

[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”Photographer Says Disputed 1962 Photo Really Does Show Bernie Sanders (Feb. 14, 2016 04:28 AM ET)– A number of old civil rights photographs have been circulating around the internet which appear to show Senator Bernie Sanders engaged in various marches, sit-ins and other demonstrations.″ type=”image” alt=”20160213_1653 Photographer Says Disputed 1962 Photo Shows Sanders (Time).jpg” ] Sanders Civil Rights Photographs Tell History, Setup Future
By Daryl Parsons
(Feb. 14, 2016 04:28 AM ET)– A number of old civil rights photographs have been circulating around the internet which appear to show Senator Bernie Sanders engaged in various marches, sit-ins and other demonstrations.

In an effort to help shed some light on the validity of these photographs, which are really interesting to look at, and which demonstrate an enhanced air of integrity for Sanders, included in this post are a number of links which discussing these photographs in more depth.

The photographs have also been used to discredit claims that Sanders was not as active as he said he was during the civil rights movement.

Congressman John Lewis this week made scathing remarks during a Congressional Black Caucus PAC news conference where he rebuked Sanders’ participation in civil rights activities in the 60s.

Social media began circulating photographs showing Sanders involved in various marches, sit-ins and demonstrations. One photograph actually shows Lewis, Sanders and his wife, who Lewis had his arm around for the picture.

After these photographs circulated over the internet, within days Lewis recanted hsi remarks about Sanders’ limited civil rights movement involvement and “clarified” his remarks.

Photographer Says Disputed 1962 Photo Really Does Show Bernie Sanders

John Lewis Back Pedals on Sanders Rebuke

[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”20160213_1515 Civil Rights Leader Lewis Softening Dismissal of Sanders (AP).jpg” type=”image” alt=”20160213_1515 Civil Rights Leader Lewis Softening Dismissal of Sanders (AP).jpg” ]Civil Rights Leader Lewis Softening Dismissal of Sanders
By Meg Kinnard, AP Greenville, S.C. (Feb. 13, 2016, 3:15 PM ET)

Civil rights leader John Lewis on Saturday softened his dismissal of Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders’ work in the 1960s on behalf of racial equality.

Lewis, a Georgia congresswoman who has endorsed Hillary Clinton in the 2016 race, had said about Sanders’ role in the movement: “I never saw him. I never met him.”

Two days later, he felt compelled to clarify his remarks “in the interest of unity.”

“The fact that I did not meet him in the movement does not mean I doubted that Sen. Sanders participated,” Lewis said, and “neither was I attempting to disparage his activism.”

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[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”Presidential race 2016 condenders Bernie Sanders & Hillary Clinton related stories. 20160213_1222 John Lewis clarifies comments on Bernie Sanders (MSNBC)” type=”image” alt=”20160213_1222 John Lewis clarifies comments on Bernie Sanders (MSNBC).jpg” ] John Lewis clarifies comments on Bernie Sanders
By Alex Seitz-Wald (Feb. 13, 2016 12:22 PM)

Civil rights icon Rep. John Lewis on Saturday clarified comments he made earlier this week questioning Sen. Bernie Sanders’ involvement in the civil rights movement. Lewis, who is supporting Hillary Clinton over Sanders in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination, had said he never met Sanders.

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