The Political Moment Finally Caught Up To Bernie Sanders’ Message

[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”The Political Moment Finally Caught Up To Bernie Sanders' Message By Tamara Keith, (May 5, 2016 7:19 pm ET) — Back when Bernie Sanders' campaign was just ramping up, and he was still giving speeches under covered picnic shelters to small groups of Democrats, he was talking about a political revolution."The only way we bring change to this country — and I'm the only candidate, I think, who will tell you this — is when we develop a strong, grass-roots movement that tells the people who today control America they can't have it all," Sanders said in June to a crowd of about 50 in a park outside Des Moines, Iowa. "This country belongs to all of us."″ type=”image” alt=”20160505_1919 The Political Moment Finally Caught Up To Bernie Sanders’ Message (NPR).jpg” ] The Political Moment Finally Caught Up To Bernie Sanders’ Message
By Tamara Keith,

(May 5, 2016 7:19 pm ET) — Back when Bernie Sanders’ campaign was just ramping up, and he was still giving speeches under covered picnic shelters to small groups of Democrats, he was talking about a political revolution.

“The only way we bring change to this country — and I’m the only candidate, I think, who will tell you this — is when we develop a strong, grass-roots movement that tells the people who today control America they can’t have it all,” Sanders said in June to a crowd of about 50 in a park outside Des Moines, Iowa. “This country belongs to all of us.”

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Fighting words from Bernie Sanders: “I know that the Clinton campaign thinks this campaign is over. They’re wrong.”

[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”Fighting words from Bernie Sanders: “I know that the Clinton campaign thinks this campaign is over. They’re wrong.”After winning in Indiana, Bernie Sanders says he has no plans to quit the race By The Associated Press, (May 3, 2016 10:28 PM) — Bernie Sanders said Tuesday that his primary bid against Hillary Clinton was far from over, pointing to his victory in Indiana and strength in upcoming races as a sign of his durability in the presidential campaign.“I know that the Clinton campaign thinks this campaign is over. They’re wrong,” Sanders said in a telephone interview with The Associated Press from New Albany, Indiana. “Maybe it’s over for the insiders and the party establishment but the voters today in Indiana had a different idea.”″ type=”image” alt=”20160503_1028 Fighting words from Bernie Sanders This Campaign is not over (Salon).jpg” ] Fighting words from Bernie Sanders: “I know that the Clinton campaign thinks this campaign is over. They’re wrong.”
After winning in Indiana, Bernie Sanders says he has no plans to quit the race
By The Associated Press,

(May 3, 2016 10:28 PM) — Bernie Sanders said Tuesday that his primary bid against Hillary Clinton was far from over, pointing to his victory in Indiana and strength in upcoming races as a sign of his durability in the presidential campaign.

“I know that the Clinton campaign thinks this campaign is over. They’re wrong,” Sanders said in a telephone interview with The Associated Press from New Albany, Indiana. “Maybe it’s over for the insiders and the party establishment but the voters today in Indiana had a different idea.”

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