The Political Moment Finally Caught Up To Bernie Sanders’ Message

[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”The Political Moment Finally Caught Up To Bernie Sanders' Message By Tamara Keith, (May 5, 2016 7:19 pm ET) — Back when Bernie Sanders' campaign was just ramping up, and he was still giving speeches under covered picnic shelters to small groups of Democrats, he was talking about a political revolution."The only way we bring change to this country — and I'm the only candidate, I think, who will tell you this — is when we develop a strong, grass-roots movement that tells the people who today control America they can't have it all," Sanders said in June to a crowd of about 50 in a park outside Des Moines, Iowa. "This country belongs to all of us."″ type=”image” alt=”20160505_1919 The Political Moment Finally Caught Up To Bernie Sanders’ Message (NPR).jpg” ] The Political Moment Finally Caught Up To Bernie Sanders’ Message
By Tamara Keith,

(May 5, 2016 7:19 pm ET) — Back when Bernie Sanders’ campaign was just ramping up, and he was still giving speeches under covered picnic shelters to small groups of Democrats, he was talking about a political revolution.

“The only way we bring change to this country — and I’m the only candidate, I think, who will tell you this — is when we develop a strong, grass-roots movement that tells the people who today control America they can’t have it all,” Sanders said in June to a crowd of about 50 in a park outside Des Moines, Iowa. “This country belongs to all of us.”

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We Can Win this Thing – Bernie Sanders Says

[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”Bernie Sanders: 'Stay Tuned … We Can Win This Thing'by Amita Kelly, NPR (Mar. 9, 2016 18:04 ET) — Bernie Sanders was the story of Tuesday night as he beat Hillary Clinton in Michigan's Democratic presidential primary. It wasn't a walloping — he won by less than 2 points — but still a big coup considering Clinton led in most polls by double digits before the race.″ type=”image” alt=”20160309_1804 Bernie Sanders Stay Tuned we can win this thing (NPR).jpg” ] Bernie Sanders: ‘Stay Tuned … We Can Win This Thing’
by Amita Kelly, NPR

(Mar. 9, 2016 18:04 ET) — Bernie Sanders was the story of Tuesday night as he beat Hillary Clinton in Michigan’s Democratic presidential primary. It wasn’t a walloping — he won by less than 2 points — but still a big coup considering Clinton led in most polls by double digits before the race.

Michigan is Sanders’ ninth state win, though Clinton still leads in delegates overall.

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