Bernie Sanders fans vow to punish Hillary Clinton with Trump vote

Bernie Sanders fans vow to punish Hillary Clinton with Trump vote
By TOBY HARNDEN, The Australian

(May 22, 2016 7:46 pm) — Their slogan is “Bernie or bust” and their hatred for the Democratic party establishment is so strong that some are vowing to back Donald Trump rather than hold their noses and vote for Hillary Clinton.

Hardcore supporters of Clinton’s rival, the socialist senator Bernie Sanders, are vowing to fight her all the way to the party convention in July — even though the former secretary of state has all but secured the Democratic nomination for president.

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The best reporting on Bernie Sanders over the years

[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”The best reporting on Bernie Sanders over the years By Sarah Smith, ProPublica (April 30, 2016 4:07 p.m.) — Bernie Sanders became the first socialist mayor of Burlington, Vermont, and ran successfully as an Independent for the House of Representatives and then the Senate. Now, the Democratic challenger to Hillary Clinton has young voters “feeling the Bern.”The political career of Bernie Sanders nearly ended before it began. In the early 1970s, he lost his first four races — two for the Senate and two for governor — running on the ticket of Vermont’s radical Liberty Union Party, while espousing positions such as ending the Vietnam War and abolishing the CIA. But when he ran as an Independent for mayor of Burlington in 1981, the socialist Sanders beat the five-term Democratic incumbent.″ type=”image” alt=”20160430_1607 The best reporting on Bernie Sanders over the years (bangordaily).jpg” ] The best reporting on Bernie Sanders over the years
By Sarah Smith, ProPublica
(April 30, 2016 4:07 p.m.) — Bernie Sanders became the first socialist mayor of Burlington, Vermont, and ran successfully as an Independent for the House of Representatives and then the Senate. Now, the Democratic challenger to Hillary Clinton has young voters “feeling the Bern.”

The political career of Bernie Sanders nearly ended before it began. In the early 1970s, he lost his first four races — two for the Senate and two for governor — running on the ticket of Vermont’s radical Liberty Union Party, while espousing positions such as ending the Vietnam War and abolishing the CIA. But when he ran as an Independent for mayor of Burlington in 1981, the socialist Sanders beat the five-term Democratic incumbent.

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