[pe2-image src=”https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-xLOAXrxtkwI/Vt5mSFPEJvI/AAAAAAAAAs4/8tIMj4lqCEM/s144-c-o/20160307_2357%252520New%252520York%252520Times%252520Bias%252520Above%252520The%252520Fold%252520%252528NYT%252529.jpg” href=”https://picasaweb.google.com/102930737536139888016/Campaign2016#6259552992920610546″ caption=”Media Bias Against Bernie Sanders: Ever More Obvious Now than Ever(Mar. 7, 2016 23:45 EST) We have heard it many times over how the mainstream media such as The New York Times and the Washington Post have demonstrated their biases by not covering Bernie Sanders in an objective way. If you take a look at a screen shot of The New York Times "above-the-fold" front page online, you can see more clearly what is going on. No only will these media outlets exclude key instances of the Bernie Sanders campaign, they will lead their articles with headings that mention the other two candidates such as Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. https://publicskeleton.com/media/?p=623″ type=”image” alt=”20160307_2357 New York Times Bias Above The Fold (NYT).jpg” ] Media Bias Against Bernie Sanders: Ever More Obvious Now than Ever
(Mar. 7, 2016 23:45 EST) We have heard it many times over how the mainstream media such as The New York Times and the Washington Post have demonstrated their biases by not covering Bernie Sanders in an objective way. If you take a look at a screen shot of The New York Times “above-the-fold” front page online, you can see more clearly what is going on. No only will these media outlets exclude key instances of the Bernie Sanders campaign, they will lead their articles with headings that mention the other two candidates such as Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.
In addition, the New York Times’ online front page, they have a side-bar section which provides the viewer the option of looking at articles that are allegedly “most viewed” and “recommended for you.” These subsection areas are also articles which are listed with the same degree of bias.
In he “most viewed” list, there would be no mention of Bernie Sanders, and if it has to be primary election related, it will lead with either Trump or Clinton’s name in the headline.
It was only until the “recommended for you” option, did I see an article for Bernie Sanders pop up. But that only indicates how they are cyber-stalking people who visit their website.
The New York Times and the Washington Post both also have subtle ways of excluding Bernie Sanders from the discussion. If an article is given primary consideration on their online front page, the article will be headlined in a way that views a story on Sanders as a “glass half empty” verses a “glass half full.”
These are seasoned, political news journalists, given instructions to use their well trained writing skills to sway their articles about Sanders into a negative and hopeless theme.
For example, if a primary election result was say out of five states Hillary Clinton won three and Sanders won the other two. The headline will read, “Clinton Dominates the Election Results,” and Sanders walks away with a miserable two states and is not looking good.
Then, when statistical numbers can be used, of course, these mainstream media outlets will use those numbers in the same swayed way.
So, if you’ve been following very closely this election cycle, you would have already seen the bias.
Unfortunately, many people don’t have time to see the waves of bias coming from the mainstream media outlets. Many people are just too busy after work to catch up on the hours of time needed to watch Bernie Sanders rallies online, or to use a wide search to evaluate articles of the day.
The mainstream media knows this. So they use this to their advantage by continuing their drip, drip, drip bias slanted articles. And when they have to mention Bernie Sanders, they will be factually correct, however, twist the article theme of one of an ever looming cloud of doom that hangs over the Bernie Sanders campaign.
Well, now that that is out of the way. There are at least two shows which are a must watch, either live, or when they post to their youtube channels.
Thom Hartman’s, The Big Picture, and The Young Turks are professionally broadcasted news shows which are a breath of reality fresh air.
Check them out.
[pe2-image src=”https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-U-hHMoj99dc/Vt5nmdrcbEI/AAAAAAAAAtA/3BmqkXfRfUw/s144-c-o/20160307_2345%252520Thom%252520Hartman%252520The%252520Big%252520Picture%252520Youtube%252520Channel%252520Screencapture.jpg” href=”https://picasaweb.google.com/102930737536139888016/Campaign2016#6259554442591104066″ caption=”Media Bias Against Bernie Sanders: Ever More Obvious Now than Ever https://publicskeleton.com/media/?p=623″ type=”image” alt=”20160307_2345 Thom Hartman The Big Picture Youtube Channel Screencapture.jpg” ] [pe2-image src=”https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-1RrBsjk514U/Vt5n3Kr5yYI/AAAAAAAAAtE/0HbAOgI6hrM/s144-c-o/20160307_2345%252520The%252520Young%252520Turks%252520Youtube%252520Channel%252520Screencapture.jpg” href=”https://picasaweb.google.com/102930737536139888016/Campaign2016#6259554729550530946″ caption=”Media Bias Against Bernie Sanders: Ever More Obvious Now than Ever https://publicskeleton.com/media/?p=623″ type=”image” alt=”20160307_2345 The Young Turks Youtube Channel Screencapture.jpg” ]