Bernie Sanders draws big crowd for speech in Lawrence Kansas

[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”Bernie Sanders draws big crowd for speech in LawrenceVermont senator hopes to drum up liberal support for Kansas caucusesBy Michael Mahoney, KMBC 9 NewsLAWRENCE, Kan. (Mar. 3, 2016 22:19 pm) — Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders brought his campaign to Lawrence Thursday evening, hoping to get support for Saturday’s Kansas caucuses.″ type=”image” alt=”20160303_2219 Bernie Sanders draws big crowd for speech in Lawrence (KMBC9).jpg” ] Bernie Sanders draws big crowd for speech in Lawrence
Vermont senator hopes to drum up liberal support for Kansas caucuses
By Michael Mahoney, KMBC 9 News

LAWRENCE, Kan. (Mar. 3, 2016 22:19 pm) — Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders brought his campaign to Lawrence Thursday evening, hoping to get support for Saturday’s Kansas caucuses.

Sanders, who trails front-runner Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination, needs to pick up delegates anywhere he can.

“I think we’ll do pretty good here in Kansas,” Sanders said.

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FBI at a Snails Pace: Grants Immunity to Staffer Who Set Up Clinton Email Server

[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”Justice Dept. grants immunity to staffer who set up Clinton email serverBy Adam Goldman, WashingtonPost (Mar. 2, 2016 20:20 pm) The Justice Department has granted immunity to a former State Department staffer, who worked on Hillary Clinton’s private email server, as part of a criminal investigation into the possible mishandling of classified information, according to a senior law enforcement official.″ type=”image” alt=”20160302_2020 Immunity Granted to staffer who set up Clinton email server (WP).jpg” ] Justice Dept. grants immunity to staffer who set up Clinton email server
By Adam Goldman, WashingtonPost

(Mar. 2, 2016 20:20 pm) The Justice Department has granted immunity to a former State Department staffer, who worked on Hillary Clinton’s private email server, as part of a criminal investigation into the possible mishandling of classified information, according to a senior law enforcement official.

The official said the FBI had secured the cooperation of Bryan Pagliano, who worked on Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign before setting up the server in her New York home in 2009.

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Super Tuesday: Bernie Sanders Denies Clinton Colorado and Minnesota, Virtually Ties Massachusetts

[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”Super Tuesday: Bernie Sanders Denies Clinton Colorado and Minnesota, Virtually Tie in Massachusetts(Mar. 2, 2016 02:00 a.m ET) Sanders denies Clinton Colorado and Minnesota, two key states during Super Tuesday’s democratic race for the nomination.Massachusetts was a virtual tie making the theoretical state win count six to five in favor of Clinton. The number of delegates won by Clinton was 453 to Sanders’ 284.″ type=”image” alt=”20160302_0200 Super Tuesday Bernie Sanders Denies Clinton Colorado and Minnesota (NTY).jpg” ] Super Tuesday: Bernie Sanders Denies Clinton Colorado and Minnesota, Virtually Ties Massachusetts

(Mar. 2, 2016 02:00 a.m ET) Sanders denies Clinton Colorado and Minnesota, two key states during Super Tuesday’s democratic race for the nomination.
Massachusetts was a virtual tie making the theoretical state win count six to five in favor of Clinton. The number of delegates won by Clinton was 453 to Sanders’ 284.

See charts.

Sanders Wins Vermont, Clinton Takes Two States

[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”Sanders Wins Vermont, Clinton Takes Two StatesBy New York Times(Mar. 1, 2016 19:45 ET) Voters in 12 states are choosing their presidential nominees in a Super Tuesday contest.This is the largest voting day of primaries and caucuses for both parties, with about one-quarter of all delegates at stake.″ type=”image” alt=”20160301_1945 Sanders Wins Vermont Clinton Takes Two States (NYT).jpg” ] Sanders Wins Vermont, Clinton Takes Two States
By New York Times

(Mar. 1, 2016 19:45 ET) Voters in 12 states are choosing their presidential nominees in a Super Tuesday contest.

This is the largest voting day of primaries and caucuses for both parties, with about one-quarter of all delegates at stake.

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Sanders Campaign Raises $6 million in Final Fundraising Blitz

[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”Bernie Sanders: $42 million raised in FebruaryBy Tom LoBianco, CNN Washington (Mar. 1, 2016 07:29 am ET) — Bernie Sanders' campaign announced early Tuesday morning it had raised more than $42 million in February and raised $6 million alone in a final fundraising blitz Monday.″ type=”image” alt=”20160301_0729 Bernie Sanders $42 million raised in February (CNN).jpg” ] Bernie Sanders: $42 million raised in February
By Tom LoBianco, CNN

Washington (Mar. 1, 2016 07:29 am ET) — Bernie Sanders’ campaign announced early Tuesday morning it had raised more than $42 million in February and raised $6 million alone in a final fundraising blitz Monday.

The Sanders campaign announced Monday morning it had raised $36 million in February and set a goal of $40 million. But the coordinated push from the campaign and its supporters, including Democracy For America, helped Sanders beat that goal.

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$45 Million New Goal for Sanders After Original Surpassed

[pe2-image src=”–TxUsie0QI8/VtYXFZBmcXI/AAAAAAAAAmA/by7_RY_g1xc/s144-c-o/20160229_2130%252520Bernie%252520Sanders%252520raises%252520more%252520than%252520%25252440%252520million%252520in%252520February%252520%252528USAToday%252529.jpg” href=”″ caption=”Bernie Sanders raises more than $40 million in FebruaryBy Fredreka Schouten, USA Today(Feb. 29, 2016 21:30 ET) — Despite his recent losses in Nevada and South Carolina, presidential candidate Bernie Sanders remains a fund raising powerhouse, raising $40 million and counting in February for his bid for the Democratic Party's nomination.″ type=”image” alt=”20160229_2130 Bernie Sanders raises more than $40 million in February (USAToday).jpg” ] Bernie Sanders raises more than $40 million in February
By Fredreka Schouten, USA Today

(Feb. 29, 2016 21:30 ET) — Despite his recent losses in Nevada and South Carolina, presidential candidate Bernie Sanders remains a fund raising powerhouse, raising $40 million and counting in February for his bid for the Democratic Party’s nomination.

Sanders had set a goal of collecting $40 million for the month before the fundraising deadline ended Monday. That’s nearly two times the $21 million the Vermont senator raised in January.

He started his last-minute fundraising drive Monday morning, having already collected $36 million. By 7:58 p.m. Monday night, he had raised $40.7 million — meaning donors had showered him with more than $4 million in a single day.

Donation Tracker

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Mutiny on the DNC! Vice Chair resigns, endorses Bernie Sanders

[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”Tulsi Gabbard resigns from DNC, endorses Bernie Sandersby by Alana Wise, Reuters(Feb. 28, 2016 10:07 ET) Democratic National Committee vice-chair Tulsi Gabbard resigned from her post on Sunday to endorse Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders.″ type=”image” alt=”20160228_1007 Tulsi Gabbard resigns from DNC endorses Bernie Sanders (Reuters).jpg” ] Tulsi Gabbard resigns from DNC, endorses Bernie Sanders
by by Alana Wise, Reuters

(Feb. 28, 2016 10:07 ET) Democratic National Committee vice-chair Tulsi Gabbard resigned from her post on Sunday to endorse Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders.

“I think it’s most important for us, as we look at our choices as to who our next commander in chief will be, is to recognize the necessity to have a commander in chief who has foresight, who exercises good judgment,” Gabbard, a U.S. representative for Hawaii, said on MSNBC show “Meet the Press”.

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Where Sanders could win, and other things to watch for on Super Tuesday

[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”Where Sanders could win, and other things to watch for on Super TuesdayBy Ted Mellnik, John Muyskens and Samuel Granados, Washington Post(Feb. 27, 2016) — Super Tuesday is Hillary Clinton’s chance for an armload of victories that would give her full claim to front-runner status in the Democratic primary race. But Bernie Sanders could spoil it with big wins somewhere outside his native Northeast. Here’s how the Super Tuesday states break down.″ type=”image” alt=”20160227_0800 Where Sanders could win Super Tuesday (WP).jpg” ] Where Sanders could win, and other things to watch for on Super Tuesday
By Ted Mellnik, John Muyskens and Samuel Granados, Washington Post

(Feb. 27, 2016) — Super Tuesday is Hillary Clinton’s chance for an armload of victories that would give her full claim to front-runner status in the Democratic primary race. But Bernie Sanders could spoil it with big wins somewhere outside his native Northeast. Here’s how the Super Tuesday states break down.

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Robert Reich, Former Clinton Official, Endorses Bernie Sanders

[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”Former Clinton Official, Endorses Bernie SandersBy Kerry Picket, The Daily Caller(Feb. 27, 2016 01:07) Democratic Party presidential candidate Bernie Sanders on Friday received an endorsement from former Clinton Administration Labor Secretary Robert Reich.″ type=”image” alt=”20160227_0107 Former Clinton Official Endorses Bernie Sanders (DailyCaller).jpg” ] Former Clinton Official, Endorses Bernie Sanders
By Kerry Picket, The Daily Caller

(Feb. 27, 2016 01:07) Democratic Party presidential candidate Bernie Sanders on Friday received an endorsement from former Clinton Administration Labor Secretary Robert Reich.

“I endorse Bernie Sanders for president of the United States,” Reich wrote in a Facebook post. “He’s leading a movement to reclaim America for the many, not the few. And such a political mobilization – a ‘political revolution,’ as he puts it – is the only means by which we can get the nation back from the moneyed interests that now control so much of our economy and democracy.

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The Talking Points: Sanders Campaign ‘Needs to Know’ Moving Forward

[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”Bernie Sanders for President 2016 Talking Points Post South Carolina Primary Results (Feb. 25, 2016 14:15 pm) Long time social democraft, Bernie supporter, organizers with the grassroots campaign on Slack, Reddit, etc., takes a moment toexplain that things are better than they may appear. Stressing supporters need to volunteer all over.” type=”image” alt=”20160225_1415 Lets Clear the Air Talking Points Moving Forward (BSFP2016).jpg” ] Bernie Sanders for President 2016 SC Aftermath Talking Points

(Feb. 25, 2016 14:15 pm) Long time social democrat, Bernie supporter, organizers with the grassroots campaign on Slack, Reddit, etc., takes a moment to explain that things are better than they may appear. Stressing supporters need to volunteer all over.

See Text of Post Below:

Read Original Post:


Bernie Sanders For President 2016

(Feb. 25, 2016 14:15) — Hello everyone! New admin here, long time social democrat, Bernie supporter, organizer with the grassroots campaign on Slack, Reddit, etc. Please take a moment to read my post on the status of the campaign; things are better than they may appear but we need volunteers all over! Even if you can make some phone calls from home, every ounce of effort counts!

Lets clear the air:

I have seen way too many posts and articles foolishly suggesting a NV or SC loss is “nearing the end” or people gaslighting and “offering thanks” to Bernie and his supporters but remember this primary doesnt end till June! Bernie already showed the world he was electable with a virtual tie in Iowa and a record-setting landslide in the first primary state. The loss in Nevada was 15-20 points smaller than the last poll in that state and South Carolina polls show she will not win by the margins projected even a few weeks ago. The race is on!

Worried? Phonebank! Bernie is on a path to vtctory!

The folks who write these articles are likely doing so in support of Clinton, not the facts. Individuals who post statements to this effect are either reading these stories and mistakenly repeating erroneous information or just weren’t around in 2008 when Obama ran against the ‘inevitable’ Clinton and won.
(hint: Bernie is still doing better than Obama – see The Washington Post:

Please make sure you have this information in case someone tries to convince you its over! Be polite – if Bernie wouldnt say it, you shouldnt say it – ultimately the truth will win out:

1. The big scare – Superdelegates – do not vote until June and comprise only 15% of the total delegates. They switched from Hillary to Obama in 08 proportional to Obama’s numbers and it will happen again if Bernie wins the majority of the elections as Obama did. There have already been defectors. Truthfully, the DNC knows they will lose more than the White House if they try to go against the will of the voters. Sure, some will stay with Clinton till the bitter end but ultimately we can expect the primaries and caucuses to determine the winner.
See Bloomberg:
“In the event, the “supers” have never tilted the nomination; they always line up with the candidate who won the most delegates in the caucuses and primaries. That’s essentially what happened in 2008: Clinton had an early lead in superdelegates, but as Barack Obama started winning caucuses and primaries, he wound up picking up almost all the undecided supers and even some defectors from Clinton.”
See CNN:
“Obama closed to within one superdelegate of Clinton, picking up the support of four party leaders after a flurry of new endorsements over the past two days. Clinton, meanwhile, picked up the votes of two superdelegates but lost one to Obama.”

2. Did you know that in 2008 Hillary won lots of huge states? California, Texas, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Florida, Arizona, New Jersey, and Massachusetts among others. Remember, Obama, like Bernie, got delegates in every state he lost. This is not a winner-take-all event, its nothing like the electoral college, state “wins” are symbolic as compared to the delegates assigned. Bernie and Hillary are still TIED in pledged delegates – the delegates we vote for. We are neck and neck with the Clinton Dynasty! WOW!!!!
See Wikipedia – 2008 was a very long road for Obama!,_2008

3. Oh the polls….did you know Hillary lead the polls nationally for a few months after New Hampshire in 2008? Bernie seems to be closing the gap faster than Obama did, but dont ever let these polls get you down! Phonebank! Knock on doors! Help us help Bernie at! You can do it from home.
See Washington Post:

4. Ok, so, polls….Nate Silver says if Bernie keeps national polling above 50-50, Bernie will win 30 states!
The last Reuters and fox polls have Bernie leading – NBC shows 11 points for Clinton but put in the perspective of the trend over the last 500 polls she has plummeted from 50,60 point margins just months ago. Bernie stays even or better and he clinches the nomination in May or so…

Remember the Nate Silver 538 product takes poll averages and then forecasts based on other things – Silver’s weighted averages and forecasts take favorability ratings into account and Bernie leads all candidates:

5. The “electability” dialogue has been flipped! The nation now understands that if Hillary not only has her usual baggage but that an increasing number of Democrats will write Bernie in or support an independent run should he lose. We also know that INDEPENDENTS are the LARGEST voting bloc of 2016, hands down. They are kingmaker this cycle, no doubt about that. Believe it or not, Trump has helped Bernie frame the argument that the political parties are corrupt, beholden to others, and not subjecting themselves to the will of the voters as they probably should. If we dont nominate Bernie the independents will go with Trump over the establishment 2:1. This number is an estimate;
See Glen Greenwald:
Another very well sourced article:

6. Endorsements – Dont let these get you down. Hillary Clinton has been getting endorsements for years, decades now. Please remember not all endorsements were created equal – some come from the will of the workers, others from the will of their execs. She had plenty of the same endorsements in 2008 as well….

Please make no mistakes about this – we need people beating the streets every day to topple the Clinton machine but we are on track!

It took time for voters to meet and grow to love Barack Hussein Obama, and Bernie the Democratic Socialist is making his case to the people. One thing I have noticed over the past few months is that not only are his numbers rising, but he never seems to lose support once he has it. When people get to know Bernie, they love him, they stay with him. This trend should be easily visible to anyone watching.

Bernie’s support in the digital world is second to none. The phone banking software and the team leading the outreach includes some of the people who helped Obama’s camp introduce him to voters and the numbers we have racked up are already well beyond some of the figures reached in 2008. Bernie has the best digital team in politics right now. Besides the grassroots deluge of Reddit, Tublr, Twitter and Facebook users supporting him, the apps and tools the Sanders campaign is using are by far the most comprehensive; any of his supporters can directly connect with the campaign, donate time to make phone calls from their homes, canvas with GPS enabled mobile apps, organize events and get notifications to followers in all 50 states at a moment’s notice to help draw the massive crowds we have seen at Bernie’s events. The revolution is just beginning – never give up!

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